Title: Softball: Bama vs Samford Post by: Leewillie on February 27, 2013, 06:20:20 PM Bama scores 2 in bottom of 1st.
Lead Samford 2-0 Title: Re: Softball: Bama vs Samford Post by: Leewillie on February 27, 2013, 06:42:00 PM Bama scores 3 more in 2nd
Take a 5-0 lead Jury pitching Title: Re: Softball: Bama vs Samford Post by: Leewillie on February 27, 2013, 07:04:43 PM Bama adds 2 more in 3rd
Take a 7-0 lead Title: Re: Softball: Bama vs Samford Post by: Leewillie on February 27, 2013, 07:25:25 PM Bama scores 4 in the 4th
Take a 11-0 lead Danielle Richard had a 2 run homerun Title: Re: Softball: Bama vs Samford Post by: ricky023 on February 27, 2013, 07:30:41 PM This needs to be a Mercy rule. These ladies are playing great softball. thanks for keeping us up with the info. RTR!
Title: Re: Softball: Bama vs Samford Post by: Leewillie on February 27, 2013, 07:34:38 PM You called it Preacher
Mercy rule victory, Bama 11-0 after 5 Jury pitched a 1 hit shut out She allowed an infield hit in the last inning. Title: Re: Softball: Bama vs Samford Post by: Leewillie on February 27, 2013, 07:41:29 PM # 1 ranked Tide is 17-0
Play South Alabama tomorrow at 5:00 P.M. Title: Re: Softball: Bama vs Samford Post by: pmull on February 27, 2013, 08:25:22 PM Thanks for the updates LW. #+
I just settled in to check on the game and it is over. Bama pitching coach Stephanie Vanbrakle was head coach at Samford two years ago. She recruited and coached a lot of the Samford team. I know she is glad we won but I bet deep down she feels bad for the Samford girls getting mercy ruled like that. Title: Re: Softball: Bama vs Samford Post by: BAMAWV on February 28, 2013, 03:11:38 AM RTR. Seems the Bama ladies are just showing off now! #+
Title: Re: Softball: Bama vs Samford Post by: Leroy on February 28, 2013, 07:45:07 AM #+ Thanks for the reports Leewillie...ROLL TIDE :D