Title: Daily Prayer 3/5/13 Post by: ricky023 on March 05, 2013, 01:27:20 PM Heavenly Father, even on days we can not be filled with prayer for what ever reason, we still come to rejoice and lift you up. Lord some may say why are you not filled with prayer? Well if the Lord doesn't fill the heart with something, then we have to trust the Holy Spirit to ask what we do not know of. You might Lord why don't he make up something? I can tell you if the Lord does not lay it on my heart, I will certainly not babble with a bunch of words. The leaders we have set up, they surely need our prayers but what do we say? The Lord loves you and me and together we form the WE they is prayed for. May God less each and everyone, and know I love you all. May Gods' Blessings abound forevermore. In the name of JESUS I ask all this. AMEN
Title: Re: Daily Prayer 3/5/13 Post by: Leroy on March 05, 2013, 06:47:48 PM :pray: Amen.
Title: Re: Daily Prayer 3/5/13 Post by: SUPERCOACH on March 08, 2013, 11:46:01 PM Amen