Title: Bret Bielma Quote! Post by: lstephen on April 01, 2013, 08:19:46 PM From this evening's Scarbinsky column on al.com:
" ???Bielema took to Twitter on Monday to explain his remarks about Saban and Alabama. He didn’t actually apologize - and good for him because there really was no need - but he went somewhere in that tweet he probably shouldn’t have gone. “Things to chill out about today,” Bielema tweeted Monday. “1. I’m only driving my car today. 2. Alabama comments were a joke to a fan at a pep rally. #wow” Wow indeed, but not about the Alabama comments. Do you see what he did there? He managed to shift gears and commemorate the one-year anniversary of Petrino’s motorcycle crash that led to his downfall as the Arkansas coach, setting in motion the events that would lead Bielema to Fayetteville. It’s one thing for a coach who’s never won a single SEC game to compare himself to Saban. It takes even bigger stones for one coach to make light of the worst moment of another coach’s career. I have no idea how many games Bielema will win at Arkansas or how many years he’ll survive. He’ll do well to match Petrino’s success there, but one thing seems certain. When it comes to quotable quotes, he’ll be a lot more like John L. Smith" He and Spurrier ought to be a comedy team! |