Title: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: rueben on April 24, 2011, 01:38:23 PM (https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/215620_216781398332974_100000033471513_945086_799052_n.jpg)
Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 01:40:22 PM (https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/215620_216781398332974_100000033471513_945086_799052_n.jpg) Nice. The very fact that your humor makes me chuckle is worrisome. ;D Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: BAMAWV on April 24, 2011, 01:40:46 PM (https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/215620_216781398332974_100000033471513_945086_799052_n.jpg) Bwaahahahaha!Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: rueben on April 24, 2011, 01:45:31 PM Quote Nice. The very fact that your humor makes me chuckle is worrisome. ;D Your still upset about that "man test" aren't you? ;D Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 01:51:01 PM Quote Nice. The very fact that your humor makes me chuckle is worrisome. ;D Your still upset about that "man test" aren't you? ;D Serious? No problem. I visit Woolly every day. In fact I just posted there on the "3 first-round-picks thread". How ya doing? WAITING... Ditch? Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: rueben on April 24, 2011, 01:55:47 PM No, not serious! just cuttin' up ( as usual for me). I'm doing well 31 hours into a 48 hour straight shift at the FD...bought and cooked Easter Dinner for my crew, and now just chillin', how you?
Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 02:00:12 PM No, not serious! just cuttin' up ( as usual for me). I'm doing well 31 hours into a 48 hour straight shift at the FD...bought and cooked Easter Dinner for my crew, and now just chillin', how you? Just sitting here waiting for the Heritage Open (CBS). Eating Easter candy........got a new crown this week, so candy is good again. ;D Sounds like I should have eaten with you guys. I enjoyed the fire-station days. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 02:02:34 PM (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y167/ruebenp/marlin_baitball.gif?t=1300038463)
Hookup, hang on, start screaming. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: rueben on April 24, 2011, 02:07:37 PM (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y167/ruebenp/marlin_baitball.gif?t=1300038463) Hookup, hang on, start screaming. Going next week, not for bill fish, but out on the gulf none the less. Looking forward to it, even though I will be playing deck hand most of the day. Maybe some Kings and AJ,s reports are Dolphin and Wahoo are already in, so maybe we can find a good weed line out there. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: ricky023 on April 24, 2011, 02:09:42 PM Hey good luck Reuben. I hope you catch the big trophy ones. RTR!
Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 02:10:51 PM (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y167/ruebenp/marlin_baitball.gif?t=1300038463) Hookup, hang on, start screaming. Going next week, not for bill fish, but out on the gulf none the less. Looking forward to it, even though I will be playing deck hand most of the day. Maybe some Kings and AJ,s reports are Dolphin and Wahoo are already in, so maybe we can find a good weed line out there. I'm off to the Caribbean in 3 weeks. I'll get some Wahoo and KM there, and plenty of Barracuda. I caught a big Bull Dolphin last year; it was chasing baitfish, flashing colors. I cast out with an open-faced reel (squid skirt) and it took it right away. Jumped a hundred times. Beautiful. Come back and give me a report after your trip. I miss Gulf fishing. Only go about once a year now. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: rueben on April 24, 2011, 02:13:52 PM I am jealous of you trip, I love catching some big hoos!!! I only got fish once last year, hopefully things will change this year. I used to average around three trips a month.
Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 02:17:34 PM I am jealous of you trip, I love catching some big hoos!!! I only got fish once last year, hopefully things will change this year. I used to average around three trips a month. Well, I lived at Dauphin Island for 4 years. Now I'm 6 hours from Mobile. I have friends with boats, but never seem to get there for a trip. I'll have plenty of fishing when I get to the Caribbean. My rods are stored there, and I rent a boat for the entire stay, so I go every morning early. Nobody to answer to, just me and anyone I invite. Great fun, beautiful water. Wish you could go. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: rueben on April 24, 2011, 02:22:09 PM Thanks Ricky, Some Nice Kings would be cool. I'll let " the guest" catch he Big Amberjack. Those things pull like freight trains, I might try for one jigging, and hope for 20-30 lbs. Any more than that is serious werk!
I am jealous of you trip, I love catching some big hoos!!! I only got fish once last year, hopefully things will change this year. I used to average around three trips a month. Well, I lived at Dauphin Island for 4 years. Now I'm 6 hours from Mobile. I have friends with boats, but never seem to get there for a trip. I'll have plenty of fishing when I get to the Caribbean. My rods are stored there, and I rent a boat for the entire stay, so I go every morning early. Nobody to answer to, just me and anyone I invite. Great fun, beautiful water. Wish you could go. That does sound like a dream trip! Where at??? ( or near?) Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 02:24:37 PM Thanks Ricky, Some Nice Kings would be cool. I'll let " the guest" catch he Big Amberjack. Those things pull like freight trains, I might try for one jigging, and hope for 20-30 lbs. Any more than that is serious werk! I am jealous of you trip, I love catching some big hoos!!! I only got fish once last year, hopefully things will change this year. I used to average around three trips a month. Well, I lived at Dauphin Island for 4 years. Now I'm 6 hours from Mobile. I have friends with boats, but never seem to get there for a trip. I'll have plenty of fishing when I get to the Caribbean. My rods are stored there, and I rent a boat for the entire stay, so I go every morning early. Nobody to answer to, just me and anyone I invite. Great fun, beautiful water. Wish you could go. That does sound like a dream trip! Where at??? ( or near?) Belize first, then Honduras. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: rueben on April 24, 2011, 02:30:13 PM WOW! A dream trip indeed.
And there ain't nothing as beeautiful as a big bull Dolphin all lit up...specially with a hook in his mouth! Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 02:39:44 PM WOW! A dream trip indeed. And there ain't nothing as beeautiful as a big bull Dolphin all lit up...specially with a hook in his mouth! Indeed. They aren't as common in that clear water, even when the Sargassum is thick, but when they appear they are spectacular. The big one I caught took the bait right away, jumped and spit it, then waited there for me to cast again. Crazy, huh? The second time it took it deep and I had it. Just a 4/0 hook, so it didn't even bite him on the first cast. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: rueben on April 24, 2011, 02:46:51 PM WOW! A dream trip indeed. And there ain't nothing as beeautiful as a big bull Dolphin all lit up...specially with a hook in his mouth! Indeed. They aren't as common in that clear water, even when the Sargassum is thick, but when they appear they are spectacular. The big one I caught took the bait right away, jumped and spit it, then waited there for me to cast again. Crazy, huh? The second time it took it deep and I had it. Just a 4/0 hook, so it didn't even bite him on the first cast. That is crazy, funny what fish do sometimes. I bet they look extra special all lit up in that super clear water! Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 02:53:16 PM WOW! A dream trip indeed. And there ain't nothing as beeautiful as a big bull Dolphin all lit up...specially with a hook in his mouth! Indeed. They aren't as common in that clear water, even when the Sargassum is thick, but when they appear they are spectacular. The big one I caught took the bait right away, jumped and spit it, then waited there for me to cast again. Crazy, huh? The second time it took it deep and I had it. Just a 4/0 hook, so it didn't even bite him on the first cast. That is crazy, funny what fish do sometimes. I bet they look extra special all lit up in that super clear water! Really lit up. Too pretty to kill. But we ate him for 2 days. Enjoyed it. Got to run an errand. More in ~30. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: ssmith general on April 24, 2011, 03:02:24 PM Hey ditch doc, didnt know it was you, it's good to see you.
Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: BAMAWV on April 24, 2011, 03:03:27 PM Hey ditch doc, didnt know it was you, it's good to see you. SHHHHH!Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: ssmith general on April 24, 2011, 03:08:41 PM Hey ditch doc, didnt know it was you, it's good to see you. SHHHHH!:-[ :-X Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: rueben on April 24, 2011, 03:15:34 PM LOL, yeah, it's me, thanks for the kind words, and it's nice to be here!
Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 03:44:02 PM LOL, yeah, it's me, thanks for the kind words, and it's nice to be here! (http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg201/Chechem_2008/Generalfishing13-1.jpg) Okay, I'm back if there are any fish left to discuss. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Marshal Dillon on April 24, 2011, 03:44:48 PM Chechem posted:
I'm off to the Caribbean in 3 weeks. Where you going? Puerto Rico, Vieques, St Marteen, Virgin Islands? I have been to Puerto Rico MANY times, if you need any info. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: rueben on April 24, 2011, 03:48:02 PM LOL, yeah, it's me, thanks for the kind words, and it's nice to be here! (http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg201/Chechem_2008/Generalfishing13-1.jpg) Okay, I'm back if there are any fish left to discuss. There are always fish to discuss!!! And that is a big ol' cooter right there!!! Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: rueben on April 24, 2011, 03:56:45 PM Here's a toothy critter we caught a while back. On a king stinger rig fished off a down rigger. That was a hell of battle on 20lb test and lil' # 4 trebles. Took a LONG time to get to the boat. I tired to use the gaff to pop the hook out of her mouth. I missed the hook and gaffed her in the mouth. She got mad! And buddy started screaming not to lose his gaff, the whole time I'm trying not to to get yanked over by a p.o.ed bull shark. Calamity ensued! If you look close you can see the skirt from the stinger rig in her mouth.
(http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y167/ruebenp/JAWS1.jpg?t=1303678194) Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 03:57:48 PM Hey, MD. Yep, Ditch, big "Barra" (as they call em in Belize). "Belize", MD.
I'll post some more pics in a sec. Loading. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 04:02:31 PM Here's a toothy critter we caught a while back. On a king stinger rig fished off a down rigger. That was a hell of battle on 20lb test and lil' # 4 trebles. Took a LONG time to get to the boat. I tired to use the gaff to pop the hook out of her mouth. I missed the hook and gaffed her in the mouth. She got mad! And buddy started screaming not to lose his gaff, the whole time I'm trying not to to get yanked over by a p.o.ed bull shark. Calamity ensued! If you look close you can see the skirt from the stinger rig in her mouth. (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y167/ruebenp/JAWS1.jpg?t=1303678194) I was gonna say "bull shark" (round face), but the fins looked long. Glad you said. Just a sec. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 04:06:20 PM (http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg201/Chechem_2008/Barracudacaught21-2.jpg)
Caught this one casting with open-faced reel. Great fun. Krocodile spoon. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 04:07:36 PM (http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg201/Chechem_2008/Barracudacaught2.jpg)
This toothy guy ate the Cero Mackerel I was reeling in (trolling squid skirts). Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 04:09:52 PM (http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg201/Chechem_2008/Generalboat20001.jpg)
This is the type boat we use. This one is a "26-foot" (called "Pelicans" in Mexico). I'll use a 28-footer this summer. Nice water, eh? I'm snorkeling. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: ricky023 on April 24, 2011, 04:17:18 PM Hey I would love to catch one of them. lol. RTR!
Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 04:22:38 PM Hey I would love to catch one of them. lol. RTR! Fun to catch, but keep your hands out of their mouths. ;) When we keep one we bash it on the skull with a bat (not the winged-type bat; think Yogi Berra). Then we can safely remove the hook. I had a young guide (the one on the previous page) who was removing a hook, but pushed the hook into the back of the Barracuda's mouth. That initiated a gag response (a reflex action, not brain-controlled). The Barra chomped down and cut the guy badly. We used super glue, and he kept fishing for the rest of the stay. But he needed surgery the next month to fix some lasting infection. Tough guy. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: ricky023 on April 24, 2011, 04:24:31 PM Man that seems harsh but I bet if it works it's good. lol. RTR!
Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 04:25:55 PM Man that seems harsh but I bet if it works it's good. lol. RTR! You mean the bashing? It's humane. They're quickly dead. And we eat them (that same night). Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: XBAMA on April 24, 2011, 04:56:49 PM nice fish and great stories 8) cool boat too
Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 04:57:40 PM nice fish and great stories 8) cool boat too Thanks. Maybe we should have a CRS fishing trip next summer. You in? Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: XBAMA on April 24, 2011, 05:04:51 PM now how in the world could I pass that up ... heck yeah I'm in !!!!
Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: XBAMA on April 24, 2011, 05:11:48 PM here is a video from some of our trips and tournaments we have . it's about 5 minutes if you have time
the video isn't the best but you get the idea ... you might even recognize some background there is a bloody toe in the video it is what happens when you mix a king mac and a barefooted fisherman and yes ... the super glue is always on board ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6I6Xe-rWrg Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 05:12:32 PM now how in the world could I pass that up ... heck yeah I'm in !!!! I have an uncle in Gautier, MS with a snapper boat. Or we could all fly to Belize. We really should discuss this. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: XBAMA on April 24, 2011, 05:21:03 PM not sure about the rest of ya'll but I'm pretty dang close to Gautier, MS ;)
Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 05:30:32 PM here is a video from some of our trips and tournaments we have . it's about 5 minutes if you have time the video isn't the best but you get the idea ... you might even recognize some background there is a bloody toe in the video it is what happens when you mix a king mac and a barefooted fisherman and yes ... the super glue is always on board ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6I6Xe-rWrg It took a while for me to finish watching it. I had the Hilton Head Golf on, and there was a playoff. Snedeker won on hole 3. Great bunch of fish in these pics. Love the thumb. That one big Bass was huge; what, 8# or more? Thanks. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: ssmith general on April 24, 2011, 05:31:36 PM now how in the world could I pass that up ... heck yeah I'm in !!!! I have an uncle in Gautier, MS with a snapper boat. Or we could all fly to Belize. We really should discuss this. Can I come? I removed a UST from the Parisians in Gautier. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: XBAMA on April 24, 2011, 05:32:34 PM it was 8 on the nose if I remember right , a nice bass for Baldwin county Alabama 8)
Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 05:33:47 PM now how in the world could I pass that up ... heck yeah I'm in !!!! I have an uncle in Gautier, MS with a snapper boat. Or we could all fly to Belize. We really should discuss this. Can I come? I removed a UST from the Parisians in Gautier. You can bring the trolls for cut bait. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 05:35:26 PM it was 8 on the nose if I remember right , a nice bass for Baldwin county Alabama 8) Baldwin Co? The only bass I caught near Fairhope were 1 lb. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: rueben on April 24, 2011, 05:37:12 PM Nice. I know they Cudas in other countries, do they in Belize?
Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: XBAMA on April 24, 2011, 05:40:45 PM shoot yeah Smitty !
I have friends that are either guides or charter boat captains in Orange Beach , Al. and Dauphin Island , Alabama and several in Venice , La. too ... I quit going off shore sometime back , fished the king mac (ska) and got burned out a little . worked as a deck hand on a boat in Coconut Grove , Fl for quite while so I guess it got old to me . the body does much better inshore fishing but maybe if I can bring a beanbag chair I'll be fine ... ;D Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 05:43:30 PM Nice. I know they EAT (?) Cudas in other countries, do they in Belize? Eat? Yes. Very good. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: XBAMA on April 24, 2011, 05:44:08 PM it was 8 on the nose if I remember right , a nice bass for Baldwin county Alabama 8) Baldwin Co? The only bass I caught near Fairhope were 1 lb. it was several miles north of Fairhope up around Bay Minette Basin Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 05:44:35 PM shoot yeah Smitty ! I have friends that are either guides or charter boat captains in Orange Beach , Al. and Dauphin Island , Alabama and several in Venice , La. too ... I quit going off shore sometime back , fished the king mac (ska) and got burned out a little . worked as a deck hand on a boat in Coconut Grove , Fl for quite while so I guess it got old to me . the body does much better inshore fishing but maybe if I can bring a beanbag chair I'll be fine ... ;D That'll probably be 2 beanbag chairs. ;D Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: XBAMA on April 24, 2011, 05:45:04 PM Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 05:45:14 PM Time for dinner - - steak on the grill. Lady can cook !!!
Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: XBAMA on April 24, 2011, 05:46:44 PM ummmm :'( enjoy ! ;)
Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: rueben on April 24, 2011, 05:48:17 PM Yes "EAT." Sorry trying to mutli task. Just got back form an EMS run, and then my wife and kid stopped by to visit. Sorry, i had missed a few previous post before my last post.
I wanna go out of Venice!!!! I'll bring bean bag chairs for both, but I wanna do a YF trip out of there so da#@ bad!!! I hope to get some major house projects out of the way so the wife will be happy, then Imma go!!! Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: ssmith general on April 24, 2011, 05:49:00 PM shoot yeah Smitty ! I have friends that are either guides or charter boat captains in Orange Beach , Al. and Dauphin Island , Alabama and several in Venice , La. too ... I quit going off shore sometime back , fished the king mac (ska) and got burned out a little . worked as a deck hand on a boat in Coconut Grove , Fl for quite while so I guess it got old to me . the body does much better inshore fishing but maybe if I can bring a beanbag chair I'll be fine ... ;D Sweet :dance: You would have teach me everything. I do not know how to fish. I also suck at killing things, but I think I could off a fish. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: XBAMA on April 24, 2011, 05:53:02 PM not much to it Smitty ... just hang on the the rod and turn the handle on the reel
we can take care of the rest ... by time you fight the fish and get it on-board you might just feel good about killing it ;D Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: rueben on April 24, 2011, 05:59:26 PM Smitty, it won't be a problem bruh.
Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 06:16:55 PM Yes "EAT." Sorry trying to mutli task. Just got back form an EMS run, and then my wife and kid stopped by to visit. Sorry, i had missed a few previous post before my last post. I wanna go out of Venice!!!! I'll bring bean bag chairs for both, but I wanna do a YF trip out of there so da#@ bad!!! I hope to get some major house projects out of the way so the wife will be happy, then Imma go!!! (http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg201/Chechem_2008/FishingatPortFourchon7-1.jpg) Like this?? This is me with one of the nice YFT. They eat well. Steak was great. Now Lady wants a walk. Back in a few. Oops: out of Grand Isle (Port ___ whatever next to Grand Isle). Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: XBAMA on April 24, 2011, 06:26:27 PM it's Fouchon
Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: rueben on April 24, 2011, 06:38:44 PM Yes "EAT." Sorry trying to mutli task. Just got back form an EMS run, and then my wife and kid stopped by to visit. Sorry, i had missed a few previous post before my last post. I wanna go out of Venice!!!! I'll bring bean bag chairs for both, but I wanna do a YF trip out of there so da#@ bad!!! I hope to get some major house projects out of the way so the wife will be happy, then Imma go!!! (http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg201/Chechem_2008/FishingatPortFourchon7-1.jpg) Like this?? This is me with one of the nice YFT. They eat well. Steak was great. Now Lady wants a walk. Back in a few. Oops: out of Grand Isle (Port ___ whatever next to Grand Isle). Port Fuchon? Nice YFT. I love some fresh tuna!!! And I love catching tuna!!! da#@ I wanna go on a trip!!! Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 07:13:41 PM Yes "EAT." Sorry trying to mutli task. Just got back form an EMS run, and then my wife and kid stopped by to visit. Sorry, i had missed a few previous post before my last post. I wanna go out of Venice!!!! I'll bring bean bag chairs for both, but I wanna do a YF trip out of there so da#@ bad!!! I hope to get some major house projects out of the way so the wife will be happy, then Imma go!!! (http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg201/Chechem_2008/FishingatPortFourchon7-1.jpg) Like this?? This is me with one of the nice YFT. They eat well. Steak was great. Now Lady wants a walk. Back in a few. Oops: out of Grand Isle (Port ___ whatever next to Grand Isle). Port Fuchon? Nice YFT. I love some fresh tuna!!! And I love catching tuna!!! da#@ I wanna go on a trip!!! Yes, thank you both for the Fouchon. Well, Ditch, they're out there every night chasing flying fish. All you have to do is cough up a couple $k and off to catch them. Great fun, great eating. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: cbbama99 on April 24, 2011, 08:48:37 PM I am always amazed at the turn some of our threads can have. We start off with a picture of an Easter bunny bum rushed by CU, and now the rest of the thread has turned into Bill Dance Outdoors on Crack (w/o the nasty UT hat, of course).
Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 08:52:50 PM I am always amazed at the turn some of our threads can have. We start off with a picture of an Easter bunny bum rushed by CU, and now the rest of the thread has turned into Bill Dance Outdoors on Crack (w/o the nasty UT hat, of course). Just like a band having fun, "thread jammin". Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: ssmith general on April 24, 2011, 09:03:07 PM I am always amazed at the turn some of our threads can have. We start off with a picture of an Easter bunny bum rushed by CU, and now the rest of the thread has turned into Bill Dance Outdoors on Crack (w/o the nasty UT hat, of course). Just like a band having fun, "thread jammin". I want to be the upright bass. (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3181/3022421597_0da84e4519.jpg) Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: 2Stater on April 24, 2011, 09:14:40 PM (http://netdna.copyblogger.com/images/cowbell.jpg)
I'll take the cowbell. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 09:16:34 PM (http://kcswiki.pbworks.com/f/EakinsCellist.jpg)
Can we have a cello? I wanna be a cellist. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: ssmith general on April 24, 2011, 09:24:29 PM (http://kcswiki.pbworks.com/f/EakinsCellist.jpg) Can we have a cello? I wanna be a cellist. hmm.. I'm not sure we can have an upright bass and a cello. How important is it to you? Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: 2Stater on April 24, 2011, 09:31:11 PM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5H2cmMXeyEo&NR=1
My audition. Language warning. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: XBAMA on April 24, 2011, 09:40:12 PM My audition. Language warning. I say you got it .. but wipe your shoes with the water hose please Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 09:45:13 PM (http://kcswiki.pbworks.com/f/EakinsCellist.jpg) Can we have a cello? I wanna be a cellist. hmm.. I'm not sure we can have an upright bass and a cello. How important is it to you? 1. I already own a cello; worth $25k. 2. I can't play it. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: XBAMA on April 24, 2011, 09:45:59 PM can't play it ?
like my wife says , you needed another place to put dust ? Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: ssmith general on April 24, 2011, 09:46:37 PM (http://kcswiki.pbworks.com/f/EakinsCellist.jpg) Can we have a cello? I wanna be a cellist. hmm.. I'm not sure we can have an upright bass and a cello. How important is it to you? Well, there both an upside and a downside. 1. I already own a cello. 2. I can't play it. In that case, I will just grab your cello and do the occasional solo. I'll take the sousaphone. (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c5/Sousaphone.jpg) Note: I googled and randomly selected this picture, but if you look closely you will notice the girl in the background appears to have down syndrome and it looks like someone has been murdered with the sousaphone. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 09:47:27 PM can't play it ? like my wife says , you needed another place to put dust ? Imagination, X. Lady Friend is a cellist, but I own it. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 09:48:37 PM That's a big sousaphone. Don't we have limits on sousaphone size in this forum?
1. take a blood swab; 2. give the kid some candy. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: ssmith general on April 24, 2011, 09:51:07 PM That's a big sousaphone. Don't we have limits on sousaphone size in this forum? 1. take a blood swab; 2. give the kid some candy. I dont know why it didnt resize, I fixed it manually. Yes, that was a scary sousaphone. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: XBAMA on April 24, 2011, 09:51:20 PM I didn't notice
(http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/4/11322480396.png) (http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/307973/6003106) Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: ssmith general on April 24, 2011, 09:55:46 PM I didn't notice (http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/4/11322480396.png) (http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/307973/6003106) This put me in tears. I promise I didnt mean to post that big of a picture. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 24, 2011, 09:58:37 PM (http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1064/1357265137_721a739000.jpg)
Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: XBAMA on April 24, 2011, 09:59:04 PM sorry Smitty :-[
Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: XBAMA on April 24, 2011, 10:00:57 PM (http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1064/1357265137_721a739000.jpg) WHOA ! think he might want to go on the fishing trip too ? Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: 2Stater on April 24, 2011, 10:59:38 PM (http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1064/1357265137_721a739000.jpg) WHOA ! think he might want to go on the fishing trip too ? You'll need a bigger boat. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: SUPERCOACH on April 24, 2011, 11:53:28 PM Where's that shoe box with the outboard on it? That should be big enough.
Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: BAMAWV on April 25, 2011, 04:44:24 AM can't play it ? like my wife says , you needed another place to put dust ? Imagination, X. Lady Friend is a cellist, but I own it. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: Chechem on April 25, 2011, 05:12:02 AM can't play it ? like my wife says , you needed another place to put dust ? Imagination, X. Lady Friend is a cellist, but I own it. #+ Cellist = kept woman. LOL. Title: Re: Courtney Upshaw Easter Egg Hunt... Results Post by: rueben on April 25, 2011, 02:35:52 PM Where's that shoe box with the outboard on it? That should be big enough. In Haiti...whoops... |