Title: "Big days for AJ McCarron, Chris Black, Amari Cooper at Alabama's 2nd scrimmage (stats)" Post by: WALL-E on April 13, 2013, 04:11:02 PM Big days for AJ McCarron, Chris Black, Amari Cooper at Alabama's 2nd scrimmage (stats)
Title: Re: "Big days for AJ McCarron, Chris Black, Amari Cooper at Alabama's 2nd scrimmage (stats)" Post by: pmull on April 14, 2013, 07:22:32 AM These offensive stats look great. It is hard to understand scrimmage stats without watching the scrimmage but where is the defense. On stats alone this looks like we were going against Western Carolina or Georgia State defense.
Quote Passing AJ McCarron: 23-28, 319 yards, 5 TDs Blake Sims: 10-15, 183 yards, 2 TDs Rushing T.J. Yeldon: 14-101, 2 TDs Derrick Henry: 17-79 Kenyan Drake: 12-71 Receiving Chris Black: 10-113 Amari Cooper: 6-108, 4 TDs Christion Jones: 5-72, TD Defense Ryan Anderson: 6 tackles HaHa Clinton-Dix: 6 tackles Denzel Devall: 6 tackles, sack Deion Belue: 5 tackles, sack Title: Re: "Big days for AJ McCarron, Chris Black, Amari Cooper at Alabama's 2nd scrimmage (stats)" Post by: Jamos on April 14, 2013, 08:16:48 AM As CNS said after the first scrimmage, there is a lot of experimentation going on and by the offense looking so great yesterday doesn't mean what we all might want to think. I think it is great that the non-starters are getting all of these reps, it is the breakfast for some future stars of the team.
After what I saw in the first scrimmage, I am not a bit surprised at the numbers that the offense put up. There is so much talent on this team and now CNS has to find a way to get them all some playing time. I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see them platoon by groups of players this year, especially on defense. There's nothing better than having fresh legs in the 4th quarter and the players just love getting the playing time. Title: Re: "Big days for AJ McCarron, Chris Black, Amari Cooper at Alabama's 2nd scrimmage (stats)" Post by: Catch Prothro on April 14, 2013, 08:26:38 AM Huge numbers. We have to get accustomed to a Bama team with offense.
Title: Re: "Big days for AJ McCarron, Chris Black, Amari Cooper at Alabama's 2nd scrimmage (stats)" Post by: ricky023 on April 14, 2013, 09:19:21 AM I see all the numbers and I know it is the only second scrimmage but I wonder how the young guys are doing to CNS understanding. I can't see them in person but I sure love hearing you all information. RTR!
Title: Re: "Big days for AJ McCarron, Chris Black, Amari Cooper at Alabama's 2nd scrimmage (stats)" Post by: hscoach on April 14, 2013, 11:26:09 AM Glad to see CJ and CB in the rec. stats. I still think KD will be a factor next year.
Title: Re: "Big days for AJ McCarron, Chris Black, Amari Cooper at Alabama's 2nd scrimmage (stats)" Post by: pmull on April 14, 2013, 01:22:31 PM I watched CNS press conference after the scrimmage yesterday. He thought the offense did good and was disappointed with the effort and tackling on defense. The defense gave up too many big plays. As he said it is a two edged sword. Since you go against your own team if one does good the other does bad. He said what he was looking for was execution. He was disappointed with the defense but said everything wrong was easily correctable. He also said he was please with the punting and field goals.
Title: Re: "Big days for AJ McCarron, Chris Black, Amari Cooper at Alabama's 2nd scrimmage (stats)" Post by: ricky023 on April 15, 2013, 12:04:54 PM Hey, the one thing I was concerned about was our kicking game. I see CNS is somewhat pleased with the kicking then I sure am. you have a National Championship offense against a rebuilding defense, I guess the Defense would look a little out of Kilter. RTR!