Title: The Patterson Legacy: Coaching couple shares story Post by: pmull on April 18, 2013, 03:10:52 PM This is a good story about Alabama Gymnastic coaches Sarah and David Patterson written by The Crimson White.
The Gymnsatic team is in Los Angeles preparing for the first round of the NCAA Championship on Friday. They will compete with five other schools with the top three advancing to the Super Six Finals on Saturday. As back-to-back Champions they are going for the trifecta. Quote When Sarah was hired, she became the University’s fifth gymnastics coach in five years, with the program on the verge of being canceled. Alabama won seven meets that first season. Since the team made its first trip in 1983, Alabama has made 31 consecutive NCAA Championship appearances, including this season, which is the second longest streak in the history of collegiate gymnastics. Alabama is just one of four teams in collegiate gymnastics history to win an NCAA championship. Now, the Pattersons have an opportunity to win their seventh national championship and third consecutive. This season is the 25th anniversary of their first national title. http://cw.ua.edu/2013/04/18/the-patterson-legacy-coaching-couple-shares-story/ Title: Re: The Patterson Legacy: Coaching couple shares story Post by: Hannibal Lecter, MD on April 19, 2013, 02:23:35 PM Roll Tide! We're in the second group tonight starting at 8CDT.