Title: Sarcastic Article About Auburn Sports Programs Post by: Marshal Dillon on May 28, 2013, 07:10:27 PM Funny & true.
Quote Your dog run away? Your fish die? Your cat ignoring you more than usual? Look on the bright side. Auburn fans do. After this year of losing dangerously, they have to. Football's Gene Chizik, softball's Tina Deese and baseball's John Pawlowski didn’t work out? So what? Dameyune Craig and Rodney Garner are working it on the recruiting trail. Jay Jacobs has to go find another head coach? Not ideal, but Rhett Lashlee just went to see another prospect. Auburn didn’t go to a bowl game, the NCAA Tournament in basketball or the NCAA Tournament in baseball, hitting that trifecta of postseason failure for the second time in five years? Big deal. The Tigers will always have Big Cat Weekend.] :lol2: http://www.al.com/auburnfootball/index.ssf/2013/05/if_all_else_fails_auburn_can_c.html#incart_river_default |