Title: Harvey Updyke meets with Finebaum a day before his release from Lee County jail Post by: Jamos on June 10, 2013, 09:04:42 PM I find this to be very interesting, now what could Ole Paul be up to?
http://blog.al.com/montgomery/2013/06/harvey_updyke_meets_with_paul.html#incart_river_default Title: Re: Harvey Updyke meets with Finebaum a day before his release from Lee County jail Post by: 2Stater on June 10, 2013, 09:39:45 PM I find this to be very interesting, now what could Ole Paul be up to? http://blog.al.com/montgomery/2013/06/harvey_updyke_meets_with_paul.html#incart_river_default Future ratings. :lol2: Title: Re: Harvey Updyke meets with Finebaum a day before his release from Lee County jail Post by: pmull on June 11, 2013, 07:50:26 AM Finebaum is writing a book. I am sure Updyke will have his own chapter. I guessing book research.