Title: Andy Phillips recaps trip to New York for Yankees Old-Timers' Day Post by: pmull on June 29, 2013, 08:17:33 AM Alabama Assistant Coach and former New York Yankee player Andy Phillips talks about returning to New York to play in the Yankee's Old-Timer's Game.
Quote On the weekend of June 21-24, Alabama assistant baseball coach Andy Phillips returned to New York to participate in the New York Yankees Old-Timers' Day. During the weekend, coach Phillips, who played for the Yankees from 2004-06, was able to meet former Yankee greats, talk with past teammates, participate in the Old-Timers' Game and participate in a charity softball game. The weekend began on Friday night with the former Yankee players gathered at Lavo for dinner. The former players than took a yacht cruise on Saturday night to view the city of New York from the water. The Old Timers' Game took place on Sunday morning and was followed by the current day Yankees playing the Tampa Bay Ray in the afternoon. Following the weekend, the Alabama Athletics Communications office had a chance to talk with coach Phillips about his memories from the weekend in New York. http://www.rolltide.com/sports/m-basebl/spec-rel/062813aab.html |