Title: Alabama Crimson Tide - "Rise" The Legend Continues Post by: pmull on July 05, 2013, 06:55:12 AM Another hype video to help you get through the summer. SIAP
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_9a4ZlB5CY Title: Re: Alabama Crimson Tide - "Rise" The Legend Continues Post by: Leroy on July 05, 2013, 07:58:40 AM >:(
Title: Re: Alabama Crimson Tide - "Rise" The Legend Continues Post by: SUPERCOACH on July 05, 2013, 09:59:18 AM It can't be much longer until two-a-days.
Title: Re: Alabama Crimson Tide - "Rise" The Legend Continues Post by: Old Tider on July 05, 2013, 02:40:30 PM Beautiful stuff, pmull. But you ruined my peaceful summer by turning on my kickoff anxiety nerves.
Title: Re: Alabama Crimson Tide - "Rise" The Legend Continues Post by: 2Stater on July 05, 2013, 05:44:54 PM Beautiful stuff, pmull. But you ruined my peaceful summer by turning on my kickoff anxiety nerves. (http://gifsoup.com/download.php?id=2796643&d=animatedgifs6&n=running-through-wall&s=o) Title: Re: Alabama Crimson Tide - "Rise" The Legend Continues Post by: Jamos on July 05, 2013, 08:26:30 PM Good stuff!! RTR! :clap:
Title: Re: Alabama Crimson Tide - "Rise" The Legend Continues Post by: pmull on July 06, 2013, 07:21:27 AM I normally do not get too anxious until SEC Media Days. Three days of solid SEC football news and interviews in mid-July. They get you real fired up and there is no new news for another two weeks until practice starts.
Media Days is inn 10 days July 16-18. http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2013/03/sec_media_days_set_for_july_16.html |