Title: What's Up Over at IrishEnvy? Post by: ALTideUp on July 08, 2013, 08:26:08 PM Just checked in on the folks at the IrishEnvy forum to see if they have gotten over the, you know....
The most replied to post on their front page is about possible uniform changes. Oooh. I can't wait. #+ :popcorn2: :lol: Title: Re: What's Up Over at IrishEnvy? Post by: 2Stater on July 09, 2013, 08:26:56 AM I can tell them right now, it won't help. Just ask Maryland.
Title: Re: What's Up Over at IrishEnvy? Post by: Catch Prothro on July 09, 2013, 12:29:08 PM I can tell them right now, it won't help. Just ask Maryland. (or Georgia)Title: Re: What's Up Over at IrishEnvy? Post by: SUPERCOACH on July 09, 2013, 02:33:17 PM I can tell them right now, it won't help. Just ask Maryland. (or Georgia)BLOOM!!! #+ Title: Re: What's Up Over at IrishEnvy? Post by: cbbama99 on July 10, 2013, 07:54:11 PM I can tell them right now, it won't help. Just ask Maryland. The only thing that would help Maryland is if every team in the country was disqualified this year. Title: Re: What's Up Over at IrishEnvy? Post by: 2Stater on July 11, 2013, 08:55:00 AM I can tell them right now, it won't help. Just ask Maryland. The only thing that would help Maryland is if every team in the country was disqualified this year. Are you sure? :lol2: Title: Re: What's Up Over at IrishEnvy? Post by: SUPERCOACH on July 11, 2013, 11:38:33 AM I can tell them right now, it won't help. Just ask Maryland. The only thing that would help Maryland is if every team in the country was disqualified this year. Are you sure? :lol2: :lol: Title: Re: What's Up Over at IrishEnvy? Post by: cbbama99 on July 12, 2013, 08:01:38 AM I can tell them right now, it won't help. Just ask Maryland. The only thing that would help Maryland is if every team in the country was disqualified this year. Are you sure? :lol2: It all depends on whether Sister Mary Margaret decides field a team at the Little Sisters of the Poor this year. :lol2: |