Title: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: N.AL-Tider on May 01, 2011, 10:12:25 PM Killed in a U.S. attack. Good job troops! #+
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: #1Tidefan on May 01, 2011, 11:14:24 PM Great news indeed P. You can bet that al Qaeda and Taliban operatives are probably planning something in the near future as a counterattack measure. I would hope Janet Napolitano raises the 'threat alert' in regards to the situation...SITREP should be interesting, coming from the WH...
At least Israel is rejoicing....Kudos to our counterterrorism forces! Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: Old Tider on May 02, 2011, 06:02:56 AM I liked the New York street sign that read:
Obama 1 Osama 0 Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 02, 2011, 07:38:43 AM (http://assets.nydailynews.com/img/2011/05/03/alg_celebration_bin-laden.jpg)
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: XBAMA on May 02, 2011, 08:06:03 AM the prize
Osama was killed at a mansion in Abbottabad, which is just 200 metres from the Pakistan Military Academy (http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/5/12109024551.png) (http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/314542/6288602) Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: ssmith general on May 02, 2011, 08:21:29 AM the prize Osama was killed at a mansion in Abbottabad, which is just 200 metres from the Pakistan Military Academy (http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/5/12109024551.png) (http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/314542/6288602) I read this morning that photo was a hoax. Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: XBAMA on May 02, 2011, 08:59:46 AM I read this morning that photo was a hoax. maybe Al Jazeera tv don't know that http://english.aljazeera.net/photo_galleries/centralsasia/20115263635188131.html Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: Kupkake on May 02, 2011, 10:15:11 AM I saw this quote this morning and it expresses my sentiments on Osama perfectly.
"I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure." - Mark Twain Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: XBAMA on May 02, 2011, 10:39:04 AM summary ...
(http://i56.tinypic.com/2djs30k.gif) (http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/162684_176293205732046_100000541037964_524944_758942_n.jpg) (http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2011/05/02/world/02binladen4_683/02binladen4_683-custom11.jpg) Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 02, 2011, 10:39:32 AM I'm just curious as I'm watching Fox and reading internet accounts of the event, but all during the last 10 years, he has been referred to as "Osama". Now he is being referred to as "Usama". I've always known that both spellings were used, but rarely did you ever see the latter. Oh well, things that make you go hmmmmm......
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 02, 2011, 10:41:39 AM summary ... (http://i56.tinypic.com/2djs30k.gif) (http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/162684_176293205732046_100000541037964_524944_758942_n.jpg) (http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2011/05/02/world/02binladen4_683/02binladen4_683-custom11.jpg) # #+ Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: XBAMA on May 02, 2011, 10:49:39 AM this just in ... rut row :o
(http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i9/B_A_B_L/aba31e5a.jpg) Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: KoKoPuf on May 02, 2011, 10:56:17 AM I personally hope they wrapped him in bacon before they dumped him into the sea.
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 02, 2011, 11:01:00 AM I personally hope they wrapped him in bacon before they dumped him into the sea. :lol:Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 02, 2011, 11:02:23 AM this just in ... rut row :o (http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i9/B_A_B_L/aba31e5a.jpg) I love it! Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: XBAMA on May 02, 2011, 11:13:32 AM language warning but funny as heck http://cdn2.sbnation.com/imported_assets/712600/osama_bin_laden_dead_medium.gif
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 02, 2011, 11:17:12 AM language warning but funny as heck http://cdn2.sbnation.com/imported_assets/712600/osama_bin_laden_dead_medium.gif #+LSUFreek is the shizzle! Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: XBAMA on May 02, 2011, 11:31:53 AM congratulations to the troops that got the pos
(http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-SkBPSbhWJ-0/Tb6PCYt3sLI/AAAAAAAAJdc/6lsoEe3BUNk/s1600/navy-seals.jpg) Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: XBAMA on May 02, 2011, 11:33:12 AM tip of the day ... don't shop at 7-11 for awhile
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: ricky023 on May 02, 2011, 11:40:48 AM My hope is he ask God to forgive him before he left here. I am glad they got him and he paid for his crimes, but God loved him just like he did us. RTR!
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: XBAMA on May 02, 2011, 11:44:38 AM I've been getting a little rough this morning Ricky , sorry about that :-[
I am just glad they got him and he paid for all the people he had a hand in killing Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: ricky023 on May 02, 2011, 11:58:31 AM Hey my brother at first I had that joyous feeling, then I was reminded that getting him was good for his crimes but hoping he accepted Jesus the Christ as Lord and Savior is my job here. RTR!
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: XBAMA on May 02, 2011, 12:03:55 PM but hoping he accepted Jesus the Christ as Lord and Savior is my job here. RTR! for some reason I don't think he did for a couple of reasons one being the team of Seals Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: ricky023 on May 02, 2011, 12:05:54 PM You are probably right I am thinking and then there is always that but! RTR!
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 02, 2011, 12:29:51 PM My hope is he ask God to forgive him before he left here. I am glad they got him and he paid for his crimes, but God loved him just like he did us. RTR! Preacher, you are a more forgiving man than I will ever be. I have to be honest, I hope he rots for eternity in H-E-double hockey sticks. Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 02, 2011, 12:34:40 PM tip of the day ... don't shop at 7-11 for awhile Or stay at the "Days Inn" motel. Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: ricky023 on May 02, 2011, 12:35:15 PM Thank you but it is required of me no choice. I know he will be in Hell for eternity, if he didn't accept Jesus as Saviour he is there NOW. RTR!
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 02, 2011, 12:40:46 PM Thank you but it is required of me no choice. I know he will be in Hell for eternity, if he didn't accept Jesus as Saviour he is there NOW. RTR! I understand. Unfortunately for him, the Muslim faith does not recognize Jesus as their Savior. Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: cbbama99 on May 02, 2011, 12:41:53 PM Friend of mine and I were talking this morning, and we both said this whole situation seems almost anti-climatic. Don't get me wrong, I am glad he is dead and can no longer do any harm in this world, and I applaud our agents who were able to finally get the guy. I guess I just thought I would be more excited when it happened. That kind of scares me a little. I think maybe it is because I am little down that this didn't happen under President Bush, and because the press last night fell all over themselves to credit the Obama administration for this and to talk of how a terror had been taken out of the world. I wonder if they would have been saying the same things had this happened under Bush.
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: ricky023 on May 02, 2011, 12:46:32 PM Listen don't get down, Obama is in office for a reason. He is the first part of the scripture fulfilling and if he is suppose to continue the Media won't matter. A one world govt. and currency is coming. Don't matter who is in there. I believe that the Media pushes him cause they hate the Republicans but if he goes back in don't worry it is meant to be. RTR!
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 02, 2011, 12:59:22 PM Listen don't get down, Obama is in office for a reason. He is the first part of the scripture fulfilling and if he is suppose to continue the Media won't matter. A one world govt. and currency is coming. Don't matter who is in there. I believe that the Media pushes him cause they hate the Republicans but if he goes back in don't worry it is meant to be. RTR! I've got a very good preacher friend in South Carolina that is saying this as well. He is a Bible scholar and has told me without hesitation that on regular occasions the Lord has spoken to him about this. This man is not a liar or crazy, he's as sane as you and me. He told me that from what he's been told, that this is all going to start unfolding around June of this year. It does make one think. Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: ricky023 on May 02, 2011, 01:48:56 PM Well 2stater, I don't think he is crazy at all. He is a scholar then he knows the Bible. I am not near that educated but I Preach what God gives me. I do know that Gods says exactly what I said and your friend says is exact. Remember when 2 agree, the Bible says the Lord will be in the midst and we agree so it will happen, not because of us but because we understand the Bible. I have one thing I am proud of, I've read the Old Testament through 3 times, and New Testament through 5 or 6 times. God Bless!
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: carl childers on May 02, 2011, 02:14:12 PM Testing reveals bin Laden's death caused by Spike 80DF. Harvey strikes again...
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 02, 2011, 02:16:31 PM Testing reveals bin Laden's death caused by Spike 80DF. Harvey strikes again... # #+ :lol: Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 02, 2011, 02:25:12 PM I heard they found the compound pretty easily. The sign on the marquis said "Free HBO, but death to America!"
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: ssmith general on May 02, 2011, 02:27:49 PM I heard they found the compound pretty easily. The sign on the marquis said "Free HBO, but death to America!" Yep, now it says 'vacancy'. Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 02, 2011, 02:45:21 PM I heard they found the compound pretty easily. The sign on the marquis said "Free HBO, but death to America!" Yep, now it says 'vacancy'. Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: ricky023 on May 02, 2011, 03:16:53 PM The navy Seals are a very elite group who lost 20 at one time last week. Now they come back with a vengeance. RTR!
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: ricky023 on May 02, 2011, 03:20:47 PM I heard they found the compound pretty easily. The sign on the marquis said "Free HBO, but death to America!" Yep, now it says 'vacancy'. I heard somebody say, Well he is just going to have somebody else take over, well I am not to sure. They know if they keep messing with America they will find the same end. RTR! Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: rueben on May 02, 2011, 04:51:57 PM I heard they found the compound pretty easily. The sign on the marquis said "Free HBO, but death to America!" Yep, now it says 'vacancy'. I heard somebody say, Well he is just going to have somebody else take over, well I am not to sure. They know if they keep messing with America they will find the same end. RTR! That does not matter to them. They are brainwashed into thinking being Martar is the way to go. Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 02, 2011, 06:21:06 PM (http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTHjwEzuvpV5871XRiBZ4CsJ-2af371EGWBaVTV2jsdOY83roxa)
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: XBAMA on May 02, 2011, 06:35:25 PM (http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTHjwEzuvpV5871XRiBZ4CsJ-2af371EGWBaVTV2jsdOY83roxa) #+ :rofl: (http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/5/12119322616.png) (http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/315074/4420368) Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: BAMAWV on May 02, 2011, 06:38:23 PM (http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTHjwEzuvpV5871XRiBZ4CsJ-2af371EGWBaVTV2jsdOY83roxa) #+ :rofl: (http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/5/12119322616.png) (http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/315074/4420368) Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: Jamos on May 02, 2011, 06:45:28 PM My hope is he ask God to forgive him before he left here. I am glad they got him and he paid for his crimes, but God loved him just like he did us. RTR! Fox News reported that he was using a woman for a shield as he fought the Seals. Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 02, 2011, 06:54:33 PM (http://www.crazy-jokes.com/osama-bin-laden/images/usama-xmas.jpg)
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: BAMAWV on May 03, 2011, 10:36:46 AM "I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that" -Martin Luther King, Jr.
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: ricky023 on May 03, 2011, 11:28:21 AM BAMAWV you put in the direct order it should be! God Bless my brother. You know I had to give you one for that. RTR!
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: BAMAWV on May 03, 2011, 01:45:15 PM The liberal media, MSNBC, CNN, NYT, all praising the Navy Seal Team. Aren't these the same people that wanted Seal Team 6 court martialed because some terrorist said he got a bloody lip?
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: XBAMA on May 03, 2011, 02:52:21 PM anyone hear what happed to the bodies of
the other people that were killed in the raid ? obl's son , the woman and the two other guys ? I haven't heard that mentioned in any of the reports Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 03, 2011, 05:08:49 PM anyone hear what happed to the bodies of the other people that were killed in the raid ? obl's son , the woman and the two other guys ? I haven't heard that mentioned in any of the reports News now reports that the woman WAS UBL's wife, but not shot dead, only in the leg. It was also reported that she was not used as a shield, in fact, was not on the same floor as UBL. One more thing, UBL was not armed, but resisted. Apparently there were 10 people in his room fully involved in a fire fight with the Seals. I'll try to find the link from the WH briefing. Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: BAMAWV on May 03, 2011, 05:14:50 PM anyone hear what happed to the bodies of the other people that were killed in the raid ? obl's son , the woman and the two other guys ? I haven't heard that mentioned in any of the reports News now reports that the woman WAS UBL's wife, but not shot dead, only in the leg. It was also reported that she was not used as a shield, in fact, was not on the same floor as UBL. One more thing, UBL was not armed, but resisted. Apparently there were 10 people in his room fully involved in a fire fight with the Seals. I'll try to find the link from the WH briefing. "Who is there?" "Pizza Delivery for Usama" Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 03, 2011, 05:20:36 PM anyone hear what happed to the bodies of the other people that were killed in the raid ? obl's son , the woman and the two other guys ? I haven't heard that mentioned in any of the reports News now reports that the woman WAS UBL's wife, but not shot dead, only in the leg. It was also reported that she was not used as a shield, in fact, was not on the same floor as UBL. One more thing, UBL was not armed, but resisted. Apparently there were 10 people in his room fully involved in a fire fight with the Seals. I'll try to find the link from the WH briefing. "Who is there?" "Pizza Delivery for Usama" http://www.spike.com/video-clips/gytf2i/land-shark Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 03, 2011, 05:23:39 PM anyone hear what happed to the bodies of the other people that were killed in the raid ? obl's son , the woman and the two other guys ? I haven't heard that mentioned in any of the reports News now reports that the woman WAS UBL's wife, but not shot dead, only in the leg. It was also reported that she was not used as a shield, in fact, was not on the same floor as UBL. One more thing, UBL was not armed, but resisted. Apparently there were 10 people in his room fully involved in a fire fight with the Seals. I'll try to find the link from the WH briefing. Well, it's the Huffpo, but here is the link. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/03/white-house-revises-bin-laden-final-moments_n_857073.html?icid=maing-grid7|main5|dl1|sec1_lnk1|60282 Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: BAMAWV on May 03, 2011, 05:27:19 PM anyone hear what happed to the bodies of the other people that were killed in the raid ? obl's son , the woman and the two other guys ? I haven't heard that mentioned in any of the reports News now reports that the woman WAS UBL's wife, but not shot dead, only in the leg. It was also reported that she was not used as a shield, in fact, was not on the same floor as UBL. One more thing, UBL was not armed, but resisted. Apparently there were 10 people in his room fully involved in a fire fight with the Seals. I'll try to find the link from the WH briefing. "Who is there?" "Pizza Delivery for Usama" http://www.spike.com/video-clips/gytf2i/land-shark Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: XBAMA on May 03, 2011, 05:32:36 PM thanks for the link
I have never seen him without a gun really ... in all the videos he has his trusty AK right there maybe he was just chillin' and thought his stuffed crust arrived . hope they will make a Michael Strahan/Warren Moon type ad out of it . Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 03, 2011, 05:36:14 PM OK, so who plays UBL in the movie?
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: XBAMA on May 03, 2011, 05:36:37 PM come to think of it ...
somebody hit LSUfreak with that land shark / pizza delivery to BL's house idea ... Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: XBAMA on May 03, 2011, 05:38:15 PM OK, so who plays UBL in the movie? Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ? Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 03, 2011, 05:41:37 PM OK, so who plays UBL in the movie? Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ? :lol: Or how about Dennis Rodman? Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: BAMAWV on May 03, 2011, 05:47:11 PM OK, so who plays UBL in the movie? Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ? :lol: Or how about Dennis Rodman? Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: XBAMA on May 03, 2011, 05:51:17 PM How much of a challenge would it be, playing a dead guy? I know who we can ask ... (http://eightiesmovies.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/weekendatbernies.jpg) Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 03, 2011, 05:55:18 PM How much of a challenge would it be, playing a dead guy? I know who we can ask ... (http://eightiesmovies.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/weekendatbernies.jpg) Awesome! Another possibility..................... (http://hollywoodheadaches.pmpblogs.com/files/2009/04/george-hamilton.jpg) Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: BAMAWV on May 03, 2011, 05:59:29 PM How much of a challenge would it be, playing a dead guy? I know who we can ask ... (http://eightiesmovies.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/weekendatbernies.jpg) Awesome! Another possibility..................... (http://hollywoodheadaches.pmpblogs.com/files/2009/04/george-hamilton.jpg) (http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcShVbFpX2wnsZDVjhhroHad2V7CCcVEagHVs_EuLA2XowK24uD1) Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 03, 2011, 06:03:31 PM (http://www.gonomad.com/destinations/0903/pyramids-images/boris-karloff.jpg)
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: Hannibal Lecter, MD on May 04, 2011, 11:05:48 AM Listen don't get down, Obama is in office for a reason. He is the first part of the scripture fulfilling RTR! Mind elaborating on that? Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: Hannibal Lecter, MD on May 04, 2011, 11:07:50 AM I heard they found the compound pretty easily. The sign on the marquis said "Free HBO, but death to America!" Yep, now it says 'vacancy'. I heard somebody say, Well he is just going to have somebody else take over, well I am not to sure. They know if they keep messing with America they will find the same end. RTR! Someone took over years ago. No one believed that Osama was still the power in al-Qaeda. Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: BAMAWV on May 04, 2011, 11:38:35 AM Listen don't get down, Obama is in office for a reason. He is the first part of the scripture fulfilling RTR! Mind elaborating on that? Revelation, Apocalypse, Armegeddon #+ before world ends. Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: Hannibal Lecter, MD on May 04, 2011, 11:51:36 AM Listen don't get down, Obama is in office for a reason. He is the first part of the scripture fulfilling RTR! Mind elaborating on that? Revelation, Apocalypse, Armegeddon #+ before world ends. I'm not of the opinion that there's any Biblical prophecy referring to Obama. Also, didn't God say that Jesus won't even know the Day of Judgment until he sends him down? I don't think any Biblical scholars are going to figure it out of Jesus doesn't know. I also don't think God will choose to speak to anyone and tell them if he isn't going to tell his Son. I doubt that's a popular opinion, but reading the Bible for myself, I see no evidence of anything to the contrary. I've always been skeptical of anyone who acts like they have the book of Revelation all figured out. And I'm certainly not trying to belittle Ricky or put words in his mouth that he's not said. I hope I haven't came across that way. Ricky strikes me as a very humble and sincere man. Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: ricky023 on May 04, 2011, 12:29:13 PM Your right I have no idea about when the end comes near. These are only signs but of course your right there is no way God would ever come to me before he would his own son. I do thank you for your reply Hannibal. I love it. I will say it thrills my heart to hear others get invovled when the Bible and scripture is mentioned. God Bless my brother.
Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 04, 2011, 01:03:42 PM Listen don't get down, Obama is in office for a reason. He is the first part of the scripture fulfilling RTR! Mind elaborating on that? Revelation, Apocalypse, Armegeddon #+ before world ends. I'm not of the opinion that there's any Biblical prophecy referring to Obama. Also, didn't God say that Jesus won't even know the Day of Judgment until he sends him down? I don't think any Biblical scholars are going to figure it out of Jesus doesn't know. I also don't think God will choose to speak to anyone and tell them if he isn't going to tell his Son. I doubt that's a popular opinion, but reading the Bible for myself, I see no evidence of anything to the contrary. I've always been skeptical of anyone who acts like they have the book of Revelation all figured out. And I'm certainly not trying to belittle Ricky or put words in his mouth that he's not said. I hope I haven't came across that way. Ricky strikes me as a very humble and sincere man. You're right, the Book of Revelation is a very complicated book to understand. I mentioned my preacher friend in SC who says the Lord has spoken to him about all this and what he says, gives pause for thought. This guy is a very humble, not particularly intelligent guy. But when he talks about the Book of Revelation, you'd think he wrote it. Everything he talks about makes sense. Does he have it figured out? I doubt it. Has he been told what it means? I think so. My question is, by whom? Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: #1Tidefan on May 06, 2011, 12:51:23 AM I thought this was worth noting...Great story, regarding a U.S. Navy SEAL.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110505/ap_on_re_us/us_seal_hero_warship Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: ssmith general on May 06, 2011, 04:14:56 AM Listen don't get down, Obama is in office for a reason. He is the first part of the scripture fulfilling RTR! Mind elaborating on that? Revelation, Apocalypse, Armegeddon #+ before world ends. I'm not of the opinion that there's any Biblical prophecy referring to Obama. Also, didn't God say that Jesus won't even know the Day of Judgment until he sends him down? I don't think any Biblical scholars are going to figure it out of Jesus doesn't know. I also don't think God will choose to speak to anyone and tell them if he isn't going to tell his Son. I doubt that's a popular opinion, but reading the Bible for myself, I see no evidence of anything to the contrary. I've always been skeptical of anyone who acts like they have the book of Revelation all figured out. And I'm certainly not trying to belittle Ricky or put words in his mouth that he's not said. I hope I haven't came across that way. Ricky strikes me as a very humble and sincere man. I'll jump in on this one. I think the 'end of the world' preaching is sinful. The bible clearly says no one will know, yet pastors having been using it for centuries to bring people up front. I have heard with my own ears two preachers essentially betting who could get the most people down front to be saved in a service. I'm not so much into the organized thing as you may imagine, but personally I am very spiritual. Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: 2Stater on May 06, 2011, 06:34:12 AM Listen don't get down, Obama is in office for a reason. He is the first part of the scripture fulfilling RTR! Mind elaborating on that? Revelation, Apocalypse, Armegeddon #+ before world ends. I'm not of the opinion that there's any Biblical prophecy referring to Obama. Also, didn't God say that Jesus won't even know the Day of Judgment until he sends him down? I don't think any Biblical scholars are going to figure it out of Jesus doesn't know. I also don't think God will choose to speak to anyone and tell them if he isn't going to tell his Son. I doubt that's a popular opinion, but reading the Bible for myself, I see no evidence of anything to the contrary. I've always been skeptical of anyone who acts like they have the book of Revelation all figured out. And I'm certainly not trying to belittle Ricky or put words in his mouth that he's not said. I hope I haven't came across that way. Ricky strikes me as a very humble and sincere man. I'll jump in on this one. I think the 'end of the world' preaching is sinful. The bible clearly says no one will know, yet pastors having been using it for centuries to bring people up front. I have heard with my own ears two preachers essentially betting who could get the most people down front to be saved in a service. I'm not so much into the organized thing as you may imagine, but personally I am very spiritual. I knew we had something in common. And you're right, some preachers are nothing but a side show. I don't think so,though, with my buddy Bill. He's only a fill-in preacher anyway. Title: Re: Osama Bin Laden is dead Post by: cbbama99 on May 06, 2011, 07:27:31 AM OK, so who plays UBL in the movie? Sean Penn. Seems to be right up his alley. |