Title: BR: From a Proud Alabama Alum, Thank You Post by: pmull on May 03, 2011, 08:42:18 AM Quote From an alumni of the University of Alabama, I’m sure I can speak for the vast majority of us, that the outpouring of support has been much appreciated from around the nation. I thank you, and I’m sure they do as well. People coming from around the country to lend a helping hand or a shoulder to cry on will go a long way for Tuscaloosa’s recovery. Quote So you can imagine the dismay I felt while I watched live on TV (the power never went out in my area) that monstrous tornado gorging on whatever was in its path, and then it passes right by Bryant-Denny Stadium, as if it said, “I can if I want to.” I wasn’t horrified because it would tear down a great venue for football, but behind the stadium lies a graveyard, behind the graveyard lies 15th Street where I would head for my Domino’s, McDonald’s, gas and in later years, Midtown Village. Thank God, I’ve never been involved in a tornado personally, but for the first time, a place that I knew, I mean really knew, was being destroyed right before my eyes. I couldn’t say anything, I was glued to the television and speechless. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/688830-from-a-proud-alabama-alum-thank-you Title: Re: BR: From a Proud Alabama Alum, Thank You Post by: ricky023 on May 03, 2011, 12:06:24 PM pmull I think those monstrous tornados broke a lot of our hearts knowing what was going on. I listen to James Spann as they showed that tornado on TV and I felt this weird nervous feeling just thinking that lives was being destroyed. There comes a time in life when every person that has a heart is touched by something that happens to someone else other than just family. I am glad your safe and this too shall pass. RTR!
Title: Re: BR: From a Proud Alabama Alum, Thank You Post by: pmull on May 03, 2011, 01:01:13 PM pmull I think those monstrous tornados broke a lot of our hearts knowing what was going on. I listen to James Spann as they showed that tornado on TV and I felt this weird nervous feeling just thinking that lives was being destroyed. There comes a time in life when every person that has a heart is touched by something that happens to someone else other than just family. I am glad your safe and this too shall pass. RTR! Ricky I didn't write the article I just posted it but thanks for your kind words of encouragement. |