Title: Tuscaloosa's McMillan helps U.S. win baseball world crown Post by: Jamos on August 07, 2013, 06:21:49 AM A short while back, Mrs. J told me that a friend of hers has a son that had tried out and made this all star team and I thought she was referencing to the Little League World Series. She told me this wasn't related to the LLWS but that it was an all star team that was representing the USA in Taiwan. Yesterday she asked me had I seen anything in the paper about the team because they had won the tournament and I was really surprised. Today I did find something and thought I would share it with everyone, this was quite an honor for a twelve year old kid.
http://www.tuscaloosanews.com/article/20130807/NEWS/130809860/1015?Title=Tuscaloosa-s-McMillan-helps-U-S-win-baseball-world-crown Title: Re: Tuscaloosa's McMillan helps U.S. win baseball world crown Post by: Chechem on August 07, 2013, 06:23:54 AM "In its nine games, the U.S. outscored its opponents 98-6. "
:o Title: Re: Tuscaloosa's McMillan helps U.S. win baseball world crown Post by: Jamos on August 07, 2013, 06:29:46 AM "In its nine games, the U.S. outscored its opponents 98-6. " :o That was amazing, they must have had some of those 6 foot 12 year olds like we see in the LLWS pitching for them.. #+ Title: Re: Tuscaloosa's McMillan helps U.S. win baseball world crown Post by: Chechem on August 07, 2013, 06:51:07 AM "In its nine games, the U.S. outscored its opponents 98-6. " That was amazing, they must have had some of those 6 foot 12 year olds like we see in the LLWS pitching for them.. #+:o Title: Re: Tuscaloosa's McMillan helps U.S. win baseball world crown Post by: 2Stater on August 07, 2013, 07:02:24 AM Apparently the Taiwan kids didn't have their usual 15 year olds available.
Title: Re: Tuscaloosa's McMillan helps U.S. win baseball world crown Post by: pmull on August 07, 2013, 08:24:20 AM The Taiwan coaches probably want to have those 6' 12 year old kids tested for steroids. I can hear the coaches saying " they must be on roids, they are a foot taller than us and out scored us 16-1".