Title: Javier Arenas survived Tuscaloosa tornado, gives back to storm victims Post by: pmull on May 04, 2011, 02:55:57 PM Good article and video about Javy. What a class act.
TUSCALOOSA - One block from mass destruction, former Alabama football star Javier Arenas rode out the deadly Tuscaloosa tornado in his bathtub. Two days later, he rode to Kansas City, where he now is a defensive back with the NFL's Chiefs. Then he rode back Tuesday to Tuscaloosa with his SUV filled with items to donate to storm victims. He pulled up in the University Mall parking lot Wednesday morning with a few friends, emptied his vehicle and started greeting residents who were in need http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/05/ex-tide_football_star_javier_a.html |