Title: Saban: Tornado "most devastating thing I've seen" Post by: pmull on May 06, 2011, 04:10:41 PM Nick Saban met with diehard University of Alabama fans Thursday night, not so much to talk football as much as give thanks.
Saban addressed the Crimson Caravan at the Cahaba Grand Conference Center on U.S. 280. But his message centered on the outpouring of help and concern shown since the devastating tornadoes that tore through Tuscaloosa and other parts of the state April 27. "The message is an appreciation for what every one has done," Saban said before the event. "But also, an awareness that it may take a long time." Because so many lost so much, the Tuscaloosa that Alabama fans remember may never be the same. "But we will build a better place," Sa ban said. http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/05/saban_tornado_most_devastating.html |