Title: "Alabama, LSU among Leonard Fournette's planned official visits (with video)" Post by: WALL-E on August 23, 2013, 09:03:02 AM Alabama, LSU among Leonard Fournette's planned official visits (with video)
Title: Re: "Alabama, LSU among Leonard Fournette's planned official visits (with video)" Post by: Chechem on August 23, 2013, 09:37:11 AM Quote Fournette told 247Sports this week that he plans to take official visits to Alabama, LSU, Florida and Miami, with Michigan or USC likely to get the last one. Fournette's father, Leonard Fournette, Sr., told NOLA.com that Michigan would get an official. He'll be tough to pull away from LSU, but would be a big-time catch for us.The LSU visit is a new development, as Fournette had told NOLA.com earlier this summer that he didn't plan to take an official to LSU because he'd already been there so often... :popcorn2: Title: Re: "Alabama, LSU among Leonard Fournette's planned official visits (with video)" Post by: Jamos on August 23, 2013, 02:42:56 PM Quote Fournette told 247Sports this week that he plans to take official visits to Alabama, LSU, Florida and Miami, with Michigan or USC likely to get the last one. Fournette's father, Leonard Fournette, Sr., told NOLA.com that Michigan would get an official. He'll be tough to pull away from LSU, but would be a big-time catch for us.The LSU visit is a new development, as Fournette had told NOLA.com earlier this summer that he didn't plan to take an official to LSU because he'd already been there so often... :popcorn2: I don't know if Bama can get this one either. There is a stable full of very good running backs at Bama now so I guess it depends on if he wants any competition or not. Title: Re: "Alabama, LSU among Leonard Fournette's planned official visits (with video)" Post by: ricky023 on August 23, 2013, 05:03:53 PM Well maybe he ain't worried maybe he knows competition breeds champions. Your right if he don't want competition he needs to go elsewhere. Only the best will Don the Crimson Colors. RTR!