Title: "2015 Alabama commit Mekhi Brown rated a 5-star prospect by Rivals" Post by: WALL-E on August 29, 2013, 04:06:02 PM 2015 Alabama commit Mekhi Brown rated a 5-star prospect by Rivals
Title: Re: "2015 Alabama commit Mekhi Brown rated a 5-star prospect by Rivals" Post by: Chechem on August 30, 2013, 06:27:22 AM #+ #+
"Of all the initial five-stars for 2015, Brown is by far the most raw of the lot. But he also has the highest ceiling," said Rivals recruiting analyst Mike Farrell. "With his size, athletic ability and motor, everything else will fall in place and we could be looking at a freak defensive end." His stock, and Alabama's, just went up. Congrats, Mr. Brown. :worship: |