Title: Fallout Continues Over Georgia RB Ealey Leaving Post by: Marshal Dillon on May 11, 2011, 05:17:00 PM Something tells me Houston Nutt is looking for him right now. ;)
http://www.mrsec.com/2011/05/more-ealey-fallout-at-uga/ Title: Re: Fallout Continues Over Georgia RB Ealey Leaving Post by: Chechem on May 11, 2011, 05:23:07 PM UGA just can't get a break. Oh, snap. [***WARNING - sarcasm***]
Title: Re: Fallout Continues Over Georgia RB Ealey Leaving Post by: BAMAWV on May 11, 2011, 05:25:26 PM We certainly don't need him.
Title: Re: Fallout Continues Over Georgia RB Ealey Leaving Post by: cbbama99 on May 11, 2011, 05:26:50 PM UGA just can't get a break. Oh, snap. [***WARNING - sarcasm***] :lol:Title: Re: Fallout Continues Over Georgia RB Ealey Leaving Post by: Chechem on May 11, 2011, 05:26:52 PM We certainly don't need him. Ga Tech? He'd make a great engineer. Title: Re: Fallout Continues Over Georgia RB Ealey Leaving Post by: BAMAWV on May 11, 2011, 05:39:22 PM We certainly don't need him. Ga Tech? He'd make a great engineer. Title: Re: Fallout Continues Over Georgia RB Ealey Leaving Post by: cbbama99 on May 11, 2011, 05:43:10 PM We certainly don't need him. Ga Tech? He'd make a great engineer. Boy, wouldn't that really rile up the Dawg faithful? Title: Re: Fallout Continues Over Georgia RB Ealey Leaving Post by: Chechem on May 11, 2011, 06:00:38 PM We certainly don't need him. Ga Tech? He'd make a great engineer. Boy, wouldn't that really rile up the Dawg faithful? Not serious. Ga Tech still uses entrance requirements for football players. IMAGINE ! Title: Re: Fallout Continues Over Georgia RB Ealey Leaving Post by: cbbama99 on May 11, 2011, 06:09:22 PM We certainly don't need him. Ga Tech? He'd make a great engineer. Boy, wouldn't that really rile up the Dawg faithful? Not serious. Ga Tech still uses entrance requirements for football players. IMAGINE ! Good point. The nerve of some schools. >:( Title: Re: Fallout Continues Over Georgia RB Ealey Leaving Post by: ricky023 on May 11, 2011, 06:46:56 PM Well I wonder how long CMR is going to last if all this keeps up. Where there is smoke there has to be some type of small flame. Now I would venture to say CTT would love to have him at TTU. He likes running the ball it might be a good choice. RTR!
Title: Re: Fallout Continues Over Georgia RB Ealey Leaving Post by: Chechem on May 11, 2011, 06:59:11 PM Well I wonder how long CMR is going to last if all this keeps up. Where there is smoke there has to be some type of small flame. Now I would venture to say CTT would love to have him at TTU. He likes running the ball it might be a good choice. RTR! Hmmm. I HNI what all of these initials are. Help. Title: Re: Fallout Continues Over Georgia RB Ealey Leaving Post by: cbbama99 on May 11, 2011, 07:00:18 PM Well I wonder how long CMR is going to last if all this keeps up. Where there is smoke there has to be some type of small flame. Now I would venture to say CTT would love to have him at TTU. He likes running the ball it might be a good choice. RTR! Hmmm. I HNI what all of these initials are. Help. IDK 8) Title: Re: Fallout Continues Over Georgia RB Ealey Leaving Post by: BAMAWV on May 11, 2011, 07:02:34 PM FYI, IDK. HTH!
Title: Re: Fallout Continues Over Georgia RB Ealey Leaving Post by: Chechem on May 11, 2011, 07:04:49 PM Title: Re: Fallout Continues Over Georgia RB Ealey Leaving Post by: Marshal Dillon on May 11, 2011, 08:52:53 PM FWIW, CTT and TTU are SOL and NWIH will they get this RB from UGA and BTW SH so RBL and my POV is we're SITD plus DBEYR. Everything clear now. B4N :o Title: Re: Fallout Continues Over Georgia RB Ealey Leaving Post by: Chechem on May 11, 2011, 08:59:31 PM FWIW, CTT and TTU are SOL and NWIH will they get this RB from UGA and BTW SH so RBL and my POV is we're SITD plus DBEYR. Everything clear now. B4N :o Title: Re: Fallout Continues Over Georgia RB Ealey Leaving Post by: SUPERCOACH on May 11, 2011, 09:01:35 PM For those that really need the help:
CTT = Coach Tommy Tuberville TTU = Texas Tech University TDSTS? No idea, and I'm afraid to ask. :D Title: Re: Fallout Continues Over Georgia RB Ealey Leaving Post by: Chechem on May 11, 2011, 09:03:24 PM For those that really need the help: CTT = Coach Tommy Tuberville TTU = Texas Tech University TDSTS? No idea, and I'm afraid to ask. :D We used to label samples with that: Too dang small to see. Title: Re: Fallout Continues Over Georgia RB Ealey Leaving Post by: crtuneman on May 12, 2011, 08:23:16 AM Did you see that comment at the end? It said Caleb King was out, too, possibly because of grades. Is that true? Is King gone as well? If so, that would be the death knell for Georgia and Richt.
Title: Re: Fallout Continues Over Georgia RB Ealey Leaving Post by: ricky023 on May 12, 2011, 09:17:55 AM I apologize for the initials. I will try to be more explaining as I post. loll, thanks guys. RTR!
Title: Re: Fallout Continues Over Georgia RB Ealey Leaving Post by: Marshal Dillon on May 12, 2011, 09:42:33 AM For kitty cat:
FWIW, CTT and TTU are SOL and NWIH will they get this RB from UGA and BTW SH so RBL and my POV is we're SITD plus DBEYR. Everything clear now. B4N Using your Captain America deciphering ring would reveal this: FWIW= For what it's worth CTT=Coach Tommy Tuberville TTU= Texas Tech University SLO= S**t out of luck NWIH= No way in H**L RB= Running back UGA= University of Georgia BTW= By the way SH= Stuff happens RBL= Read betwen the lines POV= Point of view SITD= Still in the dark DBEYR= Don't believe everything you read B4N= Bye for now Title: Re: Fallout Continues Over Georgia RB Ealey Leaving Post by: SUPERCOACH on May 12, 2011, 11:24:24 AM I had it up to SH, then I had no idea what the rest of it was except for POV.