Title: "Kellen Williams embraces role as '6th man' on Alabama's offensive line" Post by: WALL-E on September 20, 2013, 12:54:01 AM Kellen Williams embraces role as '6th man' on Alabama's offensive line
Title: Re: "Kellen Williams embraces role as '6th man' on Alabama's offensive line" Post by: Chechem on September 20, 2013, 04:49:46 AM (http://imgick.al.com/home/bama-media/width620/img/alabamafootball_impact/photo/13438289-mmmain.jpg)
Quote "You always have to be on your 'A' game mentally," Williams said. "Or else you're going to be the idiot on TV getting screamed at by coach (Saban) because you're not paying attention to the game." Kellen Williams was a key player in that final, clock-eating drive. We'll need players like him to step up this year. :worship: :worship: :worship: Title: Re: "Kellen Williams embraces role as '6th man' on Alabama's offensive line" Post by: Catch Prothro on September 20, 2013, 08:28:12 AM Ecred to Wall-E for that one.
Title: Re: "Kellen Williams embraces role as '6th man' on Alabama's offensive line" Post by: ricky023 on September 20, 2013, 12:27:24 PM Kellen should a good NFL job. He plays so many positions, he reminds me of Barrett Jones. This has to be making the chops wet in the next level because he is football savvy. RTR!