Title: Former Bama player Rashaad Johnson Post by: N.AL-Tider on September 23, 2013, 08:47:09 AM Lost part of his middle finger on his right hand. (http://www.al.com/alabamafootball/index.ssf/2013/09/former_alabama_safety_rashad_j.html#incart_river_default) It happened making a tackle.
Quote After making a tackle on Saints punt returner Darren Sproles, Johnson pulled off his glove to find that part of his finger was missing. The missing piece was still in the glove. Johnson played through the remainder of the game. I wonder how many of our current DB's would have finished the game... Title: Re: Former Bama player Rashaad Johnson Post by: BamaFanInACCLand on September 23, 2013, 08:55:37 AM THAT IS BADA$$!!! Holy Crap!!!
:o Title: Re: Former Bama player Rashaad Johnson Post by: SUPERCOACH on September 23, 2013, 10:45:32 AM That's not the first time I've heard of someone losing a finger in the NFL. I can't figure out how that happens, especially without slicing through the glove too.
Title: Re: Former Bama player Rashaad Johnson Post by: XBAMA on September 23, 2013, 07:30:08 PM MAN ! talk about giving them the finger :o
WOW ! :worship: Title: Re: Former Bama player Rashaad Johnson Post by: 2Stater on September 23, 2013, 07:32:23 PM MAN ! talk about giving them the finger :o WOW ! :worship: :lol2: Title: Re: Former Bama player Rashaad Johnson Post by: Bandit on September 23, 2013, 07:53:03 PM Lost part of his middle finger on his right hand. (http://www.al.com/alabamafootball/index.ssf/2013/09/former_alabama_safety_rashad_j.html#incart_river_default) It happened making a tackle. Quote After making a tackle on Saints punt returner Darren Sproles, Johnson pulled off his glove to find that part of his finger was missing. The missing piece was still in the glove. Johnson played through the remainder of the game. I wonder how many of our current DB's would have finished the game... Vinnie wouldnt have even noticed til after the game. And after this past Saturday I think Collins would have finished too. Title: Re: Former Bama player Rashaad Johnson Post by: SUPERCOACH on September 23, 2013, 07:54:02 PM It seems like Cory Reamer lost a piece of his ear in a Bama game a couple of years ago.
Title: Re: Former Bama player Rashaad Johnson Post by: 2Stater on September 23, 2013, 07:54:52 PM Lost part of his middle finger on his right hand. (http://www.al.com/alabamafootball/index.ssf/2013/09/former_alabama_safety_rashad_j.html#incart_river_default) It happened making a tackle. Quote After making a tackle on Saints punt returner Darren Sproles, Johnson pulled off his glove to find that part of his finger was missing. The missing piece was still in the glove. Johnson played through the remainder of the game. I wonder how many of our current DB's would have finished the game... Vinnie wouldnt have even noticed til after the game. And after this past Saturday I think Collins would have finished too. Those 2 are ballin' for sure. |