Crimson Red Sports

Around Campus => The Quad => Topic started by: crtuneman on September 24, 2013, 11:25:58 AM

Title: Forde Yard Dash
Post by: crtuneman on September 24, 2013, 11:25:58 AM
Here's this week's new column. Good read. Enjoy. (

Title: Re: Forde Yard Dash
Post by: Bamaphile on September 24, 2013, 01:01:23 PM
Thanks for the link!  The South does have a lot of home-grown talent.  SEC football dominance is kind of self-perpetuating.  Better players = better teams = higher interest in football = better players....... I don't know how far or how long this can go, but I'm glad I'm able to see it and enjoy it while it lasts.