Title: "Talking Deion Belue, touchbacks, Alabama's October schedule and more" Post by: WALL-E on September 30, 2013, 12:40:02 AM Four downs: Talking Deion Belue, touchbacks, Alabama's October schedule and more
Title: Re: "Four downs: Talking Deion Belue, touchbacks, Alabama's October schedule and more" Post by: Chechem on September 30, 2013, 06:41:41 AM Quote Saban's comments about Belue, though, are worth revisiting after a performance that didn't draw as much attention as Jackson's, but was just as crucial in Alabama's shutout of the Rebels. "You don't want to play too many young guys," Saban said Thursday. "One guy you can kind of manage. I think his experience and the fact that he's a very, very good player and a very good cover guy and can play the ball on the deep part of the field is a real plus for us to get him back." ... Good read. :clap: |