Title: "Alabama's special teams coverage units are thriving thanks to talent, speed, strategy" Post by: WALL-E on October 01, 2013, 12:19:02 AM Alabama's special teams coverage units are thriving thanks to talent, speed, strategy
Title: Re: "Alabama's special teams coverage units are thriving thanks to talent, speed, strategy" Post by: Chechem on October 01, 2013, 04:59:16 AM Quote The way Trey DePriest explains his philosophy about the proper special teams mentality, it's a wonder that more teams aren't doing what Alabama has accomplished so far in the "third phase" of the game. "It's one play. Give it all you got for one play," said the junior linebacker, who earned his stripes on special teams before he became a regular starter. "You never know when you're going to be needed, and since special teams is a one play thing, you run down there, do what you need to do and get off the field. And when the next special teams is up, you go out there and do it again." ... When you have a team loaded in talent, special teams is a mechanism to play lots of the young talent. It's working. But mixed among the youngsters are many first-team players. :o Title: Re: "Alabama's special teams coverage units are thriving thanks to talent, speed, strategy" Post by: Catch Prothro on October 01, 2013, 06:22:45 PM Quote The way Trey DePriest explains his philosophy about the proper special teams mentality, it's a wonder that more teams aren't doing what Alabama has accomplished so far in the "third phase" of the game. "It's one play. Give it all you got for one play," said the junior linebacker, who earned his stripes on special teams before he became a regular starter. "You never know when you're going to be needed, and since special teams is a one play thing, you run down there, do what you need to do and get off the field. And when the next special teams is up, you go out there and do it again." ... When you have a team loaded in talent, special teams is a mechanism to play lots of the young talent. It's working. But mixed among the youngsters are many first-team players. :o |