Title: NFL is Really in Trouble if This is True Post by: Marshal Dillon on October 02, 2013, 10:15:56 AM Personally, I believe the NFL did try to conceal this info. Fascinating article so read the link.
Quote The National Football League conducted a two-decade campaign to deny a growing body of scientific research that showed a link between playing football and brain damage, according to an excerpt from a new book co-authored by a pair of ESPN investigative reporters/quote] Quote • The league in 2005 tried unsuccessfully to have medical journals retract the published work of several independent concussion researchers. • Independent researchers directly warned Goodell about the connection between football and brain damage in 2007, but the commissioner waited nearly three years to acknowledge the link and to dismantle the league's discredited concussion committee./quote] http://espn.go.com/espn/otl/story/_/id/9745797/new-book-league-denial-says-nfl-used-resources-power-two-decades-deny-football-link-brain-damage Title: Re: NFL is Really in Trouble if This is True Post by: ricky023 on October 02, 2013, 12:34:41 PM Now I remember well the Mike Webster story. He was a great center on the Steelers who was one of the greatest offences of all time. Mike protected Terry Bradshaw during those years. First thing we heard after Mike Webster retired, was that he was gone dead in the head. I really think the NFL should be able to give back the brain damage but that is not possible.
The impact of the collision today between much bigger, heavier, and much much stronger athletes, somewhere there has to be something to give, because the heads today are made the same as in the 1960's and 1970's. If you think about your kid playing in the NFL, really is the money worth the brain damage? RTR! |