Title: "A'Shawn Robinson, Darren Lake headline assignment changes in Alabama's blowout win over Tennessee" Post by: WALL-E on October 27, 2013, 12:21:01 AM A'Shawn Robinson, Darren Lake headline assignment changes in Alabama's blowout win over Tennessee
Title: Re: "A'Shawn Robinson, Darren Lake headline assignment changes in Alabama's blowout win over Tenness Post by: Chechem on October 27, 2013, 07:41:22 AM Quote "A'Shawn Robinson keeps getting better, better and better," Saban said. Jeoffrey Pagan, a starter at defensive end, liked what he saw from the young group. "Oh man, I'm so proud of those guys. Those guys played like we expected them to. They played the 'Bama way and I'm proud of them." Well, nobody will get complacent on this team. "Right, Mr. Lindsay?" ??? |