Title: "Jeoffrey Pagan enjoys ‘good lick’ on Tennessee QB Justin Worley during Landon Collins interception TD" Post by: WALL-E on October 27, 2013, 01:10:02 PM Jeoffrey Pagan enjoys ‘good lick’ on Tennessee QB Justin Worley during Landon Collins interception TD
Title: Re: "Jeoffrey Pagan enjoys ‘good lick’ on Tennessee QB Justin Worley during Landon Collins intercept Post by: Chechem on October 28, 2013, 05:58:30 AM Watch the video of the Landon Collins' interception. It's the original CBS broadcast.
At 1:29 Gary Danielson says [re Landon Collins], "He's a true freshman...". Don't we wish! :unsure: Title: Re: "Jeoffrey Pagan enjoys ‘good lick’ on Tennessee QB Justin Worley during Landon Collins intercept Post by: Catch Prothro on October 28, 2013, 09:26:02 AM That was the 5th longest pick-6 in Bama history.