Title: Bama softball wins Fall Brawl 3 over West Alabama Post by: Jamos on October 27, 2013, 07:19:33 PM I know it's hard to talk about anything other than Bama football after the big win over Tennessee but our girls seem to have another National Championship on their minds as well.
They beat West Alabama today 11-1 and 7-1 to complete a sweep of the six game Fall Brawl. These two games were never in doubt as Bama was the clear dominate team as they should have been over the smaller school West Alabama. The Fall Brawl series served to the softball team as the trip to Europe did for the basketball team. CPM was very clever in doing this because of the players the team lost from last year left him with many decisions to make concerning player positions. He was able to evaluate every player, every position , and also bring in four new players with one of them being a much needed pitcher and evaluate them. I can promise you he is a happier man right now than he was before these six games and he can move forward with his plans for the upcoming season. http://www.rolltide.com/sports/w-softbl/recaps/102713aaa.html Title: Re: Bama softball wins Fall Brawl 3 over West Alabama Post by: 2Stater on October 27, 2013, 07:22:13 PM Great news, J. I hope they have the hunger that was lacking from last year. Looks like the pitching may be pretty good this year.
Title: Re: Bama softball wins Fall Brawl 3 over West Alabama Post by: Jamos on October 27, 2013, 07:31:54 PM Great news, J. I hope they have the hunger that was lacking from last year. Looks like the pitching may be pretty good this year. I can see them clearly being better defensively and pitching. The offense will be somewhat different this year without Kayla Braud in the top of the order, I don't know that they will have the good slap hitters as they have had in the past years so we might see a little bit of a difference in the offense this year and that might not be all bad either. |