Title: "Alabama offensive line refocused after it 'dropped the ball' with communication at Mississippi State" Post by: WALL-E on November 19, 2013, 12:21:02 AM Alabama offensive line refocused after it 'dropped the ball' with communication at Mississippi State
Title: Re: "Alabama offensive line refocused after it 'dropped the ball' with communication at Mississippi Post by: Chechem on November 19, 2013, 05:18:43 AM Quote "We dropped the ball on communication, honestly," Kelly said. "As an offensive line, all five of us have to be connected with the whole offense and you could see when negative plays happen, there’s usually a lack of communication there. So we’ve got to get back to the way we always play and us communicating and everybody is on the same page." ... "We’re starting to mature enough to where we know when things aren’t going right, to calm down and make sure everybody on the same page to do everything right and we’ll be successful." Bring on the Aubs! Too soon? Sorry, Coach. :-[ Title: Re: "Alabama offensive line refocused after it 'dropped the ball' with communication at Mississippi Post by: Jamos on November 19, 2013, 06:34:21 AM Quote "We dropped the ball on communication, honestly," Kelly said. "As an offensive line, all five of us have to be connected with the whole offense and you could see when negative plays happen, there’s usually a lack of communication there. So we’ve got to get back to the way we always play and us communicating and everybody is on the same page." ... "We’re starting to mature enough to where we know when things aren’t going right, to calm down and make sure everybody on the same page to do everything right and we’ll be successful." Bring on the Aubs! Too soon? Sorry, Coach. :-[ I think the State game will have a big impact on how Bama plays in the Iron Bowl. ;) |