Title: "Alabama tight ends O.J. Howard, Brian Vogler on the mend at Tuesday's practice (video)" Post by: WALL-E on November 19, 2013, 05:07:02 PM Alabama tight ends O.J. Howard, Brian Vogler on the mend at Tuesday's practice (video)
Title: Re: "Alabama tight ends O.J. Howard, Brian Vogler on the mend at Tuesday's practice (video)" Post by: Chechem on November 20, 2013, 05:36:18 AM Quote Howard, who is wearing a brace on his left knee, dressed out but was mostly a bystander Monday. Right now, it appears he's working his way back into drills... NOT OJ!! :( :( At least he's working out (see video). Title: Re: "Alabama tight ends O.J. Howard, Brian Vogler on the mend at Tuesday's practice (video)" Post by: 2Stater on November 20, 2013, 05:39:48 AM Quote Howard, who is wearing a brace on his left knee, dressed out but was mostly a bystander Monday. Right now, it appears he's working his way back into drills... NOT OJ!! :( :( At least he's working out (see video). After that hit he took on the interception, I wondered if he was ok. Apparently not, but had not heard anything until now. Title: Re: "Alabama tight ends O.J. Howard, Brian Vogler on the mend at Tuesday's practice (video)" Post by: hscoach on November 20, 2013, 01:42:12 PM I am good with OJ as long as he is not driving around in a white Bronco. 8)
Title: Re: "Alabama tight ends O.J. Howard, Brian Vogler on the mend at Tuesday's practice (video)" Post by: ricky023 on November 20, 2013, 09:21:00 PM I am good with OJ as long as he is not driving around in a white Bronco. 8) #-, :lol: :lol: what if he had a purple Bronco? :lol2: :lol2:, RTR! |