Title: Ex-UA player Devonta Pollard gets deal for his testimony against mom Post by: Jamos on November 21, 2013, 08:14:35 AM Federal prosecutors have recommended deferred prosecution for a former University of Alabama basketball player who testified Wednesday that his mother was behind the kidnapping of a 6-year-old relative from her Mississippi elementary school.
Deferred prosecution means the conspiracy charge against Devonta Pollard, 19, will be dismissed if he stays out of trouble for two years while on what is effectively probation. http://www.tuscaloosanews.com/article/20131121/NEWS/131129973/1007/news?Title=Ex-UA-player-Devonta-Pollard-gets-deal-for-his-testimony-against-mom Title: Re: Ex-UA player Devonta Pollard gets deal for his testimony against mom Post by: Jamos on November 21, 2013, 08:17:53 AM We were discussing this very thing over dinner last evening in wishing the judge would provide something specail for Devonta after his mother threw him under the bus the way she did. #+
Title: Re: Ex-UA player Devonta Pollard gets deal for his testimony against mom Post by: 2Stater on November 21, 2013, 08:34:15 AM We were discussing this very thing over dinner last evening in wishing the judge would provide something specail for Devonta after his mother threw him under the bus the way she did. #+ What a piece of crap his mother must be. I can count at least a half dozen things that would eliminate her from mother of the year, starting with, the kidnapping in the first place and getting her son involved. #- Title: Re: Ex-UA player Devonta Pollard gets deal for his testimony against mom Post by: pmull on November 21, 2013, 08:52:33 AM We were discussing this very thing over dinner last evening in wishing the judge would provide something specail for Devonta after his mother threw him under the bus the way she did. #+ What a piece of crap his mother must be. I can count at least a half dozen things that would eliminate her from mother of the year, starting with, the kidnapping in the first place and getting her son involved. #- She is not going to be teacher of the year either. I still can not believe she is a former school teacher! Title: Re: Ex-UA player Devonta Pollard gets deal for his testimony against mom Post by: Peewee from Grand Bay on November 21, 2013, 09:18:00 AM We were discussing this very thing over dinner last evening in wishing the judge would provide something specail for Devonta after his mother threw him under the bus the way she did. #+ What a piece of crap his mother must be. I can count at least a half dozen things that would eliminate her from mother of the year, starting with, the kidnapping in the first place and getting her son involved. #- She is not going to be teacher of the year either. I still can not believe she is a former school teacher! Title: Re: Ex-UA player Devonta Pollard gets deal for his testimony against mom Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 21, 2013, 10:04:48 AM Remember in an earlier post I made, momma was offered a deal to help her son and she turned it down since the deal did not benefit her. Here's a statement I love:
Quote Defense attorney Tom Turner told the jury during opening arguments that Jesse Pollard was under pressure from events in her life and didn’t know what she was doing at the time of the abduction. /quote] Of course, none of us have ever had pressure from events in life, right? :facepalm: |