Title: Q & A Session with Trevor Lacey Post by: Marshal Dillon on May 27, 2011, 10:27:41 PM Good stuff.
Q: How have things been since you made your commitment to Alabama? A: It's been alright. You see who your real friends and family are. Q: What have people been telling you? A: Worst decision of my life. http://alabama.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1224428 Title: Re: Q & A Session with Trevor Lacey Post by: 2Stater on May 27, 2011, 10:34:31 PM Good stuff. Q: How have things been since you made your commitment to Alabama? A: It's been alright. You see who your real friends and family are. Q: What have people been telling you? A: Worst decision of my life. http://alabama.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1224428 I'll take your word for it MD. What else did he say. Title: Re: Q & A Session with Trevor Lacey Post by: Marshal Dillon on May 27, 2011, 10:59:22 PM You must be blocked. Try this:
Q: How have things been since you made your commitment to Alabama? A: It's been alright. You see who your real friends and family are. Q: What have people been telling you? A: Worst decision of my life. Q: Are friends telling you that? A: Both. It's people I don't know, people I do know. Q: You're not regretting your decision are you? A: No, not at all. Q: How's it feel to be done with the whole thing? A: It feels alright. It's actually kind of worse now since I made my commitment. I was getting a lot of phone calls about where I was going, but now since I said where I was going, I'm getting more 'whys' or 'why that school' now. Q: At the end of the day, why was Alabama the best fit? A: I just felt comfortable with the staff. Q: When did you actually make your decision? A: Two days before I announced. Q: Had Alabama been in the lead before that? A: I was Kentucky bound at first. Q: What changed your mind? A: When (Kentucky) got all those other guys, they showed they wanted me, but they didn't make me seem like a priority like they had to have me. Q: Did any of the guys on the current team reach out to you after you made your commitment? A: Yeah, I talked to JaMychal (Green) and Trevor (Releford) right after. They just said welcome to the Tide family. Q: What are your goals for next year? A: I just want to play my game. Don't try to outshine anybody. Just play my game and win a national championship. We all have the same goal. Q: Are you still planning on coming to Tuscaloosa May 30? A: I'm thinking about coming down May 27, that Friday. Q: So academically, you're cleared and ready to start working out? A: Yes sir. I love the part about Kentucky. :D Title: Re: Q & A Session with Trevor Lacey Post by: 2Stater on May 28, 2011, 04:41:44 AM Quote Q: So academically, you're cleared and ready to start working out? A: Yes sir. I love this part. Thanks MD. Title: Re: Q & A Session with Trevor Lacey Post by: ricky023 on May 28, 2011, 12:11:13 PM Hey MD that was a great post. You certainly deserve an e-cred for that one. RTR!