Crimson Red Sports

Around Campus => The Quad => Topic started by: pmull on May 29, 2011, 07:53:00 AM

Title: ESPN Video: Roundtable Discusses Alabama 2011 Football
Post by: pmull on May 29, 2011, 07:53:00 AM
Urban Meyer quote: "It is every coaches dream to coach a hungry football team. Alabama is a hungry football team".

Title: Re: ESPN Video: Roundtable Discusses Alabama 2011 Football
Post by: ssmith general on May 29, 2011, 08:04:25 AM

Title: Re: ESPN Video: Roundtable Discusses Alabama 2011 Football
Post by: ricky023 on May 29, 2011, 08:29:55 AM
The one thing I heard was "Confidence". I do hope though that we don't get over confident. We have the talent to scare other teams. RTR!

Title: Re: ESPN Video: Roundtable Discusses Alabama 2011 Football
Post by: TheVarsity on May 31, 2011, 09:28:25 AM
The one thing I heard was "Confidence". I do hope though that we don't get over confident. We have the talent to scare other teams. RTR!

My thoughts exactly ricky.