Title: "Alabama's Anthony Steen sizes up Auburn: Same guys, different mindset 'and they play harder'" Post by: WALL-E on November 27, 2013, 01:01:01 AM Alabama's Anthony Steen sizes up Auburn: Same guys, different mindset 'and they play harder'
Title: Re: "Alabama's Anthony Steen sizes up Auburn: Same guys, different mindset 'and they play harder'" Post by: Chechem on November 27, 2013, 05:10:54 AM Quote Steen said Auburn's defensive line "probably will be the best D-line we face" this season. His praise centered on junior tackle Gabe Wright, who has "always been a great player" and "gotten pretty good this year," along with tackle Nosa Eguae and ends Dee Ford and Carl Lawson. "That's why we're here practicing our hardest, so we get prepared," Steen said. "From what we've seen, it's just going to be physical up front. We've got to win up front if we want to win this game."... Sounds like a goodie. I'm psyched! :popcorn2: Title: Re: "Alabama's Anthony Steen sizes up Auburn: Same guys, different mindset 'and they play harder'" Post by: Merk on November 27, 2013, 10:36:46 AM One thing we can count on, da boys won't come out flat in this one. :D
Title: Re: "Alabama's Anthony Steen sizes up Auburn: Same guys, different mindset 'and they play harder'" Post by: ricky023 on November 27, 2013, 01:16:26 PM I don't have any idea of either team being flat. I think this will be an Iron Bowl for the ages. Auburn had athletes last year but no coaching. Now they have discipline, and athletes, sounds familiar. I am feeling such a close nervy game. Like PeeWee and I mentioned earlier i believe in a 2 to 3 point game one way or the other. JMHO. RTR!