Title: "Gus Malzahn vs. Nick Saban: Mutual understanding of Auburn's offense sets up intriguing Iron Bowl" Post by: WALL-E on November 29, 2013, 06:38:02 PM Gus Malzahn vs. Nick Saban: Mutual understanding of Auburn's offense sets up intriguing Iron Bowl
Title: Re: "Gus Malzahn vs. Nick Saban: Mutual understanding of Auburn's offense sets up intriguing Iron Bo Post by: Chechem on November 30, 2013, 05:28:22 AM Quote "The only thing that's changed over the years is how he features the players that he has, which I think is good coaching," Saban said. "He may tweak what he does a little bit relative to the people that he has, which I think every offense should do, but other than that I think fundamentally the plays that they run, the things that they do, they don't change dramatically." They'd better learn how to pass (and soon). Do we all get a free car if the Aubs get shut out?? :lol2: |