Title: "Alabama fans flock in tens of thousands to support kicker Cade Foster on Facebook fan page" Post by: WALL-E on December 01, 2013, 02:13:03 PM Alabama fans flock in tens of thousands to support kicker Cade Foster on Facebook fan page
Title: Re: "Alabama fans flock in tens of thousands to support kicker Cade Foster on Facebook fan page" Post by: SUPERCOACH on December 01, 2013, 07:00:12 PM Everybody on Facebook go like this page: https://www.facebook.com/bamafans4cade
(Not you MD, I know where you stand). :lol: Title: Re: "Alabama fans flock in tens of thousands to support kicker Cade Foster on Facebook fan page" Post by: XBAMA on December 01, 2013, 07:35:42 PM Everybody on Facebook go like this page: https://www.facebook.com/bamafans4cade (Not you MD, I know where you stand). :lol: we had it trending all afternoon , Eli and Greg Mc sr. even got in the mix :clap: Title: Re: "Alabama fans flock in tens of thousands to support kicker Cade Foster on Facebook fan page" Post by: Marshal Dillon on December 01, 2013, 08:08:15 PM Everybody on Facebook go like this page: https://www.facebook.com/bamafans4cade (Not you MD, I know where you stand). :lol: Yes, the poor "kid" is the victim. :yawn: Title: Re: "Alabama fans flock in tens of thousands to support kicker Cade Foster on Facebook fan page" Post by: 2Stater on December 01, 2013, 08:36:09 PM Everybody on Facebook go like this page: https://www.facebook.com/bamafans4cade (Not you MD, I know where you stand). :lol: Yes, the poor "kid" is the victim. :yawn: The poor And speaking of CJ, he apparently had this message to those idiots: (http://i1169.photobucket.com/albums/r515/rricejr36/1463112_10152121599423128_119568661_zps90420bba.jpg) Title: Re: "Alabama fans flock in tens of thousands to support kicker Cade Foster on Facebook fan page" Post by: Marshal Dillon on December 01, 2013, 09:17:31 PM I wouldn't waste my time on a bunch of losers, drunks, and ignorant fools who post stupid things. No one on this site would stoop to such a low class action, that's why I post here. That's what is wrong with social media, these losers can say anything they want.
Title: Re: "Alabama fans flock in tens of thousands to support kicker Cade Foster on Facebook fan page" Post by: SUPERCOACH on December 01, 2013, 11:13:16 PM I wouldn't waste my time on a bunch of losers, drunks, and ignorant fools who post stupid things. No one on this site would stoop to such a low class action, that's why I post here. That's what is wrong with social media, these losers can say anything they want. The problem is they are very loud and obnoxious with a tendency to drown out the normal folks. I am pleased to see that the page has 68,000 likes already. He did miss some critical kicks yesterday, and there is nothing wrong with pointing that out. But he does not deserve to be treated with the vitriol and disrespect that the obnoxious nutjobs out there are spewing, most of which have probably never played a down of football in their lives. Title: Re: "Alabama fans flock in tens of thousands to support kicker Cade Foster on Facebook fan page" Post by: Marshal Dillon on December 02, 2013, 12:05:58 AM I wouldn't waste my time on a bunch of losers, drunks, and ignorant fools who post stupid things. No one on this site would stoop to such a low class action, that's why I post here. That's what is wrong with social media, these losers can say anything they want. The problem is they are very loud and obnoxious with a tendency to drown out the normal folks. I am pleased to see that the page has 68,000 likes already. He did miss some critical kicks yesterday, and there is nothing wrong with pointing that out. But he does not deserve to be treated with the vitriol and disrespect that the obnoxious nutjobs out there are spewing, most of which have probably never played a down of football in their lives. It's worse than that. You know why they're really upset, because they can't go to work and talk loud and mock the Auburn fans. These losers live through Tide football and tie their manhood to it. They are pathetic and now they have to listen to those Auburn fans they work with. I know this type very well. |