Title: "4-star safety Laurence 'Hootie' Jones commits to Alabama" Post by: WALL-E on December 02, 2013, 10:18:02 AM 4-star safety Laurence 'Hootie' Jones commits to Alabama
Title: Re: "4-star safety Laurence 'Hootie' Jones commits to Alabama" Post by: ricky023 on December 02, 2013, 10:52:21 AM Welcome home home "Hootie." We are so proud to have you as a member of our family. We have had you a seat saved at the table for a long time and it is good to see you fill it. You are a good young man because you have gained a lot of good friends quickly. RTR!
Title: Re: "4-star safety Laurence 'Hootie' Jones commits to Alabama" Post by: Chechem on December 02, 2013, 11:17:22 AM HOOOOOOOT
This is a big recruit. Keep plundering Louisiana! :jump: :jump: |