Crimson Red Sports

Around Campus => The Quad => Topic started by: pmull on May 31, 2011, 09:03:33 AM

Title: Hurt: Like it or not, rule changes are coming
Post by: pmull on May 31, 2011, 09:03:33 AM
DESTIN, Fla. | Today the Southeastern Conference is set to discuss the issue of "oversigning" among its football programs. Whether that discussion will lead to major changes or whether it will be a case of "overhyping" remains to be seen.

"Oversigning" or, in Mike Slive's more technically correct euphemism, "roster management" has been a volatile topic for several years now depending on which side of the issue you, or your favorite team, happens to fall.

The parameters of the debate are familiar. It does not violate any current NCAA legislation to sign as many players as you want in February, as long as your squad is at the NCAA-mandated limit of 85 when fall practice begins in August. No one is breaking any rules. But is a team that follows the NCAA rules with no additional limits imposed by the school or a conference "creating a competitive advantage" for itself? Or is it simply choosing not to put itself at a "competitive disadvantage," which those schools who voluntarily adhere to a different standard choose to do.