Title: "Roll Tide" takes on new meaning in Tuscaloosa Post by: pmull on June 02, 2011, 08:48:41 AM Good article by a Seattle, WA newspaper.
Quote Since the storms on April 27 — which killed 42 people and damaged or destroyed more than 5,000 homes in Tuscaloosa alone — "Roll Tide" has taken on new meaning. The saying, which usually stands for greetings and goodbyes and many things in between, now sends the message, "We can do this." Alabamians from all over the state and people from around the country have descended on the state to help. And "Roll Tide" supplies a quick pick-me-up for 'Bama fans, said Keith Avery, a lifelong Tuscaloosa resident. "It instills a ray of hope," he said. "It reminds people you can't take that from us. You can take material things, but you can't take that. We're from Tuscaloosa. http://www.seattlepi.com/sports/article/Roll-Tide-takes-on-new-meaning-in-Tuscaloosa-1405520.php |