Title: SIAP: Scarbinsky - Spurrier's plan not enough Post by: cbbama99 on June 03, 2011, 09:45:44 AM http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/06/steve_spurriers_pay_plan_for_f.html (http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/06/steve_spurriers_pay_plan_for_f.html)
Quote "That doesn't make Spurrier's plan or the other coaches' support of it worthless. It means something when one of the leaders in the profession is willing to say what a lot of people who haven't won a national championship have been saying for years. The system is unfair to the players." Title: Re: SIAP: Scarbinsky - Spurrier's plan not enough Post by: crimsonwine on June 03, 2011, 03:58:16 PM I'll never understand why:
1) some people don't like the marketplace dictating salaries for big time coaches when said coaches are basically CEOs responsible for large enterprises including the futures of 85 players, future recruits and many recent grads. 2) some people continue to undervalue a college degree and the doors that are opened to sports-related grads because of, yes, popularity, but also because the playing field tends to identify successful leaders and those who are used to a sustained work ethic (naturally, there are exceptions) There is tremendous value in the system without trying to implement a new pay-for-play system that 90% of universities cannot afford anyway.... |