Crimson Red Sports

Around Campus => The Quad => Topic started by: ssmith general on January 09, 2014, 05:11:11 PM

Title: Cyrus Kouandjio, Clinton-Dix, Hubbard, Pagan Going pro
Post by: ssmith general on January 09, 2014, 05:11:11 PM

Title: Re: Cyrus Kouandjio, Clinton-Dix, Hubbard, Pagan Going pro
Post by: ssmith general on January 09, 2014, 05:14:33 PM

Title: Re: Cyrus Kouandjio, Clinton-Dix, Hubbard, Pagan Going pro
Post by: Sqwig on January 09, 2014, 06:03:56 PM
Not really surprising other than maybe Pagan. Will be interesting to see who goes in Round 1 - Ha Ha and CyKo likely, although I think CyKo will be a "project" if someone wants him at left tackle.

Thanks for your years with Bama.  :wave:

Title: Re: Cyrus Kouandjio, Clinton-Dix, Hubbard, Pagan Going pro
Post by: ALTideUp on January 09, 2014, 07:51:18 PM
I think CyKo may be making a mistake. His last game was a struggle, and that's being polite. He could use another year of refinement, develop a little more discipline and technique. But I wish him well.

Title: Re: Cyrus Kouandjio, Clinton-Dix, Hubbard, Pagan Going pro
Post by: 2Stater on January 09, 2014, 08:08:39 PM
I think Haha is the only one really ready for the show. Cyko was exposed against Ok. and I agree with sqwig about him being a project or work in progress, regardless of how high he is drafted. I know Hubbard and Pagan showed a few flashes of great play this year, but neither were exactly consistently stellar. The talent is there, but they are still diamonds in the rough, IMO. I do wish them all luck, however, and hope they all shine.

Title: Re: Cyrus Kouandjio, Clinton-Dix, Hubbard, Pagan Going pro
Post by: bamaphil on January 09, 2014, 08:22:04 PM
I think CyKo may be making a mistake. His last game was a struggle, and that's being polite. He could use another year of refinement, develop a little more discipline and technique. But I wish him well.

His whole season was a struggle.  Numerous false starts, consistently beaten in pass blocking, he's nowhere near ready for the NFL.

Title: Re: Cyrus Kouandjio, Clinton-Dix, Hubbard, Pagan Going pro
Post by: Marshal Dillon on January 09, 2014, 09:33:10 PM
I think Haha is the only one really ready for the show. Cyko was exposed against Ok. and I agree with sqwig about him being a project or work in progress, regardless of how high he is drafted. I know Hubbard and Pagan showed a few flashes of great play this year, but neither were exactly consistently stellar. The talent is there, but they are still diamonds in the rough, IMO. I do wish them all luck, however, and hope they all shine.

Bingo! I am surprised Hubbard is going pro. I don't know if any of these guys except HaHa will go in the first round. Hubbard in the 3rd or 4th round, same with Pagan, maybe 2nd round at most. Somewhat confusing decisions as far as I am concerned.


Title: Re: Cyrus Kouandjio, Clinton-Dix, Hubbard, Pagan Going pro
Post by: ssmith general on January 09, 2014, 11:18:46 PM
I think Haha is the only one really ready for the show. Cyko was exposed against Ok. and I agree with sqwig about him being a project or work in progress, regardless of how high he is drafted. I know Hubbard and Pagan showed a few flashes of great play this year, but neither were exactly consistently stellar. The talent is there, but they are still diamonds in the rough, IMO. I do wish them all luck, however, and hope they all shine.

Bingo! I am surprised Hubbard is going pro. I don't know if any of these guys except HaHa will go in the first round. Hubbard in the 3rd or 4th round, same with Pagan, maybe 2nd round at most. Somewhat confusing decisions as far as I am concerned.


need the space

Title: Re: Cyrus Kouandjio, Clinton-Dix, Hubbard, Pagan Going pro
Post by: bamaphil on January 10, 2014, 03:08:32 AM
I think Haha is the only one really ready for the show. Cyko was exposed against Ok. and I agree with sqwig about him being a project or work in progress, regardless of how high he is drafted. I know Hubbard and Pagan showed a few flashes of great play this year, but neither were exactly consistently stellar. The talent is there, but they are still diamonds in the rough, IMO. I do wish them all luck, however, and hope they all shine.

Bingo! I am surprised Hubbard is going pro. I don't know if any of these guys except HaHa will go in the first round. Hubbard in the 3rd or 4th round, same with Pagan, maybe 2nd round at most. Somewhat confusing decisions as far as I am concerned.


need the space

Lack of depth and experience killed the defense this year.  Losing Hubbard and Pagan will hurt.  Clinton-Dix also, but we already knew he was going.

Title: Re: Cyrus Kouandjio, Clinton-Dix, Hubbard, Pagan Going pro
Post by: pmull on January 10, 2014, 11:32:56 AM
I watched the press conference online. After CNS gave a quick few words each player got to make a speech to thank the University, coaches, teammates, etc. I was proud at how well all four spoke and represented them self. After watching Auburn's Nick Marshall and the entire FSU team speak this last week I am glad we are putting out athletes that actually speak like they went to college.