Title: Lane Kiffin, Kyle Shanahan: Daddy's Boys keep falling forward Post by: ssmith general on January 11, 2014, 10:17:44 AM Quote Lane Kiffin is the mirage that won't go away, and now he's vaporized out of thin air to become the new offensive coordinator at Alabama. It's offensive, the way this guy gets great job after great job, and the same goes for Kyle Shanahan, the second most notorious Daddy's Boy in football coaching. (Hey, Lane, you're No. 1; and that's not my index finger I'm raising.) On the same day Kiffin was announced as the offensive coordinator at one of the best football schools in America, Kyle Shanahan interviewed for the offensive coordinator position with the Dolphins. Greg Doyle doesn't like Lane. http://www.cbssports.com/general/writer/gregg-doyel/24405165/lane-kiffin-kyle-shanahan-daddys-boys-keep-falling-forward Title: Re: Lane Kiffin, Kyle Shanahan: Daddy's Boys keep falling forward Post by: 2Stater on January 11, 2014, 10:19:27 AM Quote Lane Kiffin is the mirage that won't go away, and now he's vaporized out of thin air to become the new offensive coordinator at Alabama. It's offensive, the way this guy gets great job after great job, and the same goes for Kyle Shanahan, the second most notorious Daddy's Boy in football coaching. (Hey, Lane, you're No. 1; and that's not my index finger I'm raising.) On the same day Kiffin was announced as the offensive coordinator at one of the best football schools in America, Kyle Shanahan interviewed for the offensive coordinator position with the Dolphins. Greg Doyle doesn't like Lane. http://www.cbssports.com/general/writer/gregg-doyel/24405165/lane-kiffin-kyle-shanahan-daddys-boys-keep-falling-forward Except for his article before the BCSNCG, he hasn't had much love for Bama either. Title: Re: Lane Kiffin, Kyle Shanahan: Daddy's Boys keep falling forward Post by: Bamaphile on January 11, 2014, 10:22:18 AM This guy has a different opinion.
http://msn.foxsports.com/college-football/story/lane-kiffin-alabama-crimson-tide-offensive-coordinator-nick-saban-011114 Quote "This is NOT a case of Kiffin 'failing upward,' or falling into a better job than the one he had before. When you're the head coach of USC, going to a coordinator position, no matter how lofty, is a downward move, period. For once, Kiffin has not climbed the ladder despite a lack of results. No, this is a demotion into a pressure cooker in which Saban becomes Kiffin's (demanding, perfectionist) boss. If Kiffin fails at this job, he won't get another top-tier head-coaching job. Maybe at a Sun Belt or Conference USA program. Maybe an NFL team would take him as a position coach. Maybe a lower-tier automatic qualifier program would give him a chance as an offensive coordinator. This is a test for Kiffin. That level of urgency is something Saban, a master of psychology, is banking on." |