Title: "Alabama student's efforts to help a homeless man before Sugar Bowl met with cursing" Post by: WALL-E on January 11, 2014, 10:48:02 PM Alabama student's efforts to help a homeless man before Sugar Bowl met with cursing
Title: Re: "Alabama student's efforts to help a homeless man before Sugar Bowl met with cursing" Post by: Chechem on January 12, 2014, 04:15:53 AM Quote Chelsea Brentzel was walking in the street when a stranger asked her and her friend for money, according to a report from AL.com affiliate NOLA.com. Instead of providing cash, she offered to buy him a meal. They walked into a Subway, where a manager asked "why are you buying this son of a bitch food?" ... #+ Title: Re: "Alabama student's efforts to help a homeless man before Sugar Bowl met with cursing" Post by: cbbama99 on January 12, 2014, 06:54:03 AM Quote Chelsea Brentzel was walking in the street when a stranger asked her and her friend for money, according to a report from AL.com affiliate NOLA.com. Instead of providing cash, she offered to buy him a meal. They walked into a Subway, where a manager asked "why are you buying this son of a bitch food?" ... #+ Kudos to that young lady for trying to do the right thing. It has always been my opinion that the best thing to do for people in that situation is to try to get food for them instead of just giving them money. Title: Re: "Alabama student's efforts to help a homeless man before Sugar Bowl met with cursing" Post by: 2Stater on January 12, 2014, 07:17:12 AM Quote She began a petition, telling her story and asking that Subway donate food to the homeless in New Orleans. The petition gained steam, with hundreds of signatures. Subway agreed to donate two party platters to the homeless, which would feed about 20 people. That doesn't satisfy Brentzel. "If they really cared, they would do more about the situation." Very noble effort by the young lady. Unfortunately, you won't get much more than that from just one company, particularly since most Subways are individually owned franchises. |