Title: "Does Jeremy Pruitt to Georgia lock up Marlon Humphrey for Alabama? His father says no" Post by: WALL-E on January 14, 2014, 02:03:02 PM Does Jeremy Pruitt to Georgia lock up Marlon Humphrey for Alabama? His father says no
Title: Re: "Does Jeremy Pruitt to Georgia lock up Marlon Humphrey for Alabama? His father says no" Post by: ricky023 on January 14, 2014, 03:01:59 PM It almost sounds like Bobby Humphrey is building FSU up to his son. He seems to be saying that Alabama is not for him. I just get this feeling something is not right. RTR!
Title: Re: "Does Jeremy Pruitt to Georgia lock up Marlon Humphrey for Alabama? His father says no" Post by: Chechem on January 15, 2014, 05:31:11 AM (http://"I asked him 'Does this change anything for you?' and he told me 'No' and that it does not," Bobby Humphrey said. "He's still going to Florida State for his official visit on Friday."Humphrey will still visit Florida State this weekend. He still has Alabama and Florida State as his top two schools amid a group that includes Mississippi State and what sounds like growing interest in UCLA. ...)
We get at least one of these recruits every year; tease, play the field, and party until signing day. I'm sure the coaches grow weary of such drama! :popcorn2: :popcorn2: Title: Re: "Does Jeremy Pruitt to Georgia lock up Marlon Humphrey for Alabama? His father says no" Post by: Jamos on January 15, 2014, 06:32:22 AM Andrew Bone told us that Humphrey was next to being ridiculous in how he is handling himself with the coaches that are recruiting him. I can only wonder if he can fit in with the CNS system with that type of attitude. :dunno:
Title: Re: "Does Jeremy Pruitt to Georgia lock up Marlon Humphrey for Alabama? His father says no" Post by: Chechem on January 15, 2014, 06:39:28 AM Andrew Bone told us that Humphrey was next to being ridiculous in how he is handling himself with the coaches that are recruiting him. I can only wonder if he can fit in with the CNS system with that type of attitude. :dunno: He has time to grow up. For some it takes longer! (http://s3.hubimg.com/u/3073582_f260.jpg) Title: Re: "Does Jeremy Pruitt to Georgia lock up Marlon Humphrey for Alabama? His father says no" Post by: Jamos on January 15, 2014, 06:42:31 AM Andrew Bone told us that Humphrey was next to being ridiculous in how he is handling himself with the coaches that are recruiting him. I can only wonder if he can fit in with the CNS system with that type of attitude. :dunno: He has time to grow up. For some it takes longer! (http://s3.hubimg.com/u/3073582_f260.jpg) Great comparison. :clap: Title: Re: "Does Jeremy Pruitt to Georgia lock up Marlon Humphrey for Alabama? His father says no" Post by: Marshal Dillon on January 15, 2014, 08:13:15 AM (http://"I asked him 'Does this change anything for you?' and he told me 'No' and that it does not," Bobby Humphrey said. "He's still going to Florida State for his official visit on Friday."Humphrey will still visit Florida State this weekend. He still has Alabama and Florida State as his top two schools amid a group that includes Mississippi State and what sounds like growing interest in UCLA. ...) We get at least one of these recruits every year; tease, play the field, and party until signing day. I'm sure the coaches grow weary of such drama! :popcorn2: :popcorn2: Personally, I am very tired of this "game" he is playing and wish he would just go away. The Tide will survive without this immature, game-playing, arrogant, silly, stupid kid. |