Title: "Alabama, Auburn battling for 5-star linebacker Rashaan Evans" Post by: WALL-E on January 17, 2014, 12:57:02 PM Alabama, Auburn battling for 5-star linebacker Rashaan Evans
Title: Re: "Alabama, Auburn battling for 5-star linebacker Rashaan Evans" Post by: Chechem on January 17, 2014, 01:01:49 PM Quote "Auburn has been really pushing to get Rashaan to visit them this weekend," said Evans' father Alan Evans. "They are hosting most of their big-time commitments, including a lot of guys that Rashaan has become close with, and they really wanted to get Rashaan to change his plans and come to Auburn this weekend. We told them we had already scheduled the visit to Alabama and we didn't plan on changing that so we're heading to Tuscaloosa now and we'll take the official to Auburn next weekend." :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: Title: Re: "Alabama, Auburn battling for 5-star linebacker Rashaan Evans" Post by: ricky023 on January 17, 2014, 03:55:00 PM Next weekend would be better for Mr. Evans because they can take him alone and show him a good time. He is going to be playing football at Alabama, so he needs to me his fellow players on our team. RTR!