Title: A night to remember with Eddie Conyers Post by: Jamos on January 21, 2014, 09:19:43 PM Humor is one thing but outrageous humor is another. Tonight Eddie Conyers, the longtime practice referee at Alabama spoke to the REC and what an evening it was. This man has more stories about his past years than you can imagine, and most of them are very very funny.
Eddie started officiating the practices for Bama in 1961 and is still there doing what he does best. He is 86 years old but you would never guess it, the energy he has is not the average for an 86 year old. I hope that a writer will get with Eddie before his time is up and write a book about all that he has to share about his life at Bama, it would be a book that I would love to give to my kids. I have known Eddie for many years as he used to play in the Gene Stallings Golf Tournament for RISE each year and he and I shared many laughs together. Talk about some wild stories, many of the past coaches would attend the golf tournament and they would all gather with Eddie and it was a contest of which of them could tell the best story on that day. It was a time that I will never forget and even tonight, Eddie and I had a chance to sit and talk a bit and share some of those wonderful moments of the past once more. Hopefully I will get another chance to hear him speak again at some time because I never get tired of hearing those stories, they just get a little funnier each time I hear them. http://www.tuscaloosanews.com/article/20101215/NEWS/101219840/?tc=ar#gsc.tab=0 Title: Re: A night to remember with Eddie Conyers Post by: SUPERCOACH on January 22, 2014, 12:41:40 AM Any of those stories you can share with us?
Title: Re: A night to remember with Eddie Conyers Post by: Chechem on January 22, 2014, 05:19:27 AM #+ #+ Bravo, J.
(http://www.tuscaloosanews.com/apps/pbcsi.dll/bilde?Site=TL&Date=20101215&Category=NEWS&ArtNo=101219840&Ref=AR&imageVersion=Main&MaxW=445&border=0) Quote ... Coach Bryant didn’t even know his name, and he worked the practices free of charge. After the NCAA passed a rule in the 1970s requiring all on-field persons in an advisory role at practice to be paid, Conyers says he started receiving $10 per practice. “With the Lord as my witness, when I first heard about the rule, I thought I was going to have to pay them $10,” he says. “I thought, ‘I only have $5 on me, I hope they’ll still let me go.’ I’d probably still pay if I had to.” ... :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: Title: Re: A night to remember with Eddie Conyers Post by: 2Stater on January 22, 2014, 07:06:00 AM #+ #+ Bravo, J. (http://www.tuscaloosanews.com/apps/pbcsi.dll/bilde?Site=TL&Date=20101215&Category=NEWS&ArtNo=101219840&Ref=AR&imageVersion=Main&MaxW=445&border=0) Quote ... Coach Bryant didn’t even know his name, and he worked the practices free of charge. After the NCAA passed a rule in the 1970s requiring all on-field persons in an advisory role at practice to be paid, Conyers says he started receiving $10 per practice. “With the Lord as my witness, when I first heard about the rule, I thought I was going to have to pay them $10,” he says. “I thought, ‘I only have $5 on me, I hope they’ll still let me go.’ I’d probably still pay if I had to.” ... :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: Great stuff! I'd sure like to hear more about him, too. :clap: Title: Re: A night to remember with Eddie Conyers Post by: pmull on January 22, 2014, 08:03:06 AM Finebaum had him on his radio show a few years ago and he was hilarious. He told one story after another and it just kept getting better and better. He is one of the unsung hero's that have helped make Alabama Football special.
Title: Re: A night to remember with Eddie Conyers Post by: pmull on January 22, 2014, 08:09:15 AM The football coaches' dressing room in the football complex is named after Edie Conyers.
http://www.rolltide.com/sports/m-footbl/spec-rel/071306aac.html Title: Re: A night to remember with Eddie Conyers Post by: Jamos on January 22, 2014, 06:22:25 PM Any of those stories you can share with us? He told one that involves CNS. He said that Bama was practicing their two minute drill and the offense was in a 3rd and 5 situation. The next play was a running play and they came up well short of the first down. He placed the ball down and put his fist in the air and said fourth down. CNS is walking around with his arms crossed as he does so much and walks up to Eddie and said that's a first down. Eddie looked at CNS and said no, the ball is well short of the marker. CNS then looked at Eddie even harder and said again, it's a first down. Eddie said that he then looked at the ball and first down marker again and walked over to CNS and and looked him in the eye and said, Coach, you are right, first and ten. That was Eddie's lesson in learning who is right and who is wrong on the practice field. It is very funny to watch him as he tells his stories because of his animation, it adds so much more to the story. Title: Re: A night to remember with Eddie Conyers Post by: SUPERCOACH on January 22, 2014, 11:01:06 PM Any of those stories you can share with us? He told one that involves CNS. He said that Bama was practicing their two minute drill and the offense was in a 3rd and 5 situation. The next play was a running play and they came up well short of the first down. He placed the ball down and put his fist in the air and said fourth down. CNS is walking around with his arms crossed as he does so much and walks up to Eddie and said that's a first down. Eddie looked at CNS and said no, the ball is well short of the marker. CNS then looked at Eddie even harder and said again, it's a first down. Eddie said that he then looked at the ball and first down marker again and walked over to CNS and and looked him in the eye and said, Coach, you are right, first and ten. That was Eddie's lesson in learning who is right and who is wrong on the practice field. It is very funny to watch him as he tells his stories because of his animation, it adds so much more to the story. :lol: |