Title: "Senior Bowl provides Alabama's Kevin Norwood an opportunity to prove he's 'faster than a 4.6'" Post by: WALL-E on January 24, 2014, 06:22:04 AM Senior Bowl provides Alabama's Kevin Norwood an opportunity to prove he's 'faster than a 4.6'
Title: Re: "Senior Bowl provides Alabama's Kevin Norwood an opportunity to prove he's 'faster than a 4.6'" Post by: Chechem on January 24, 2014, 06:33:38 AM Quote In a draft chock full of talented wide receivers -- as many as seven could go in the first round -- Norwood ranks 34th, according to CBSSports.com. He's 40th on ESPN Insider. If those rankings held, Norwood would likely go undrafted. Only 28 wide receivers were selected in last year's draft... ??? Somebody will take him by the 3-4 round. He's looked good at the Senior Bowl practices. |