Title: "Vinnie Sunseri says he's ready for NFL, reflects on final pitch from Nick Saban, Kirby Smart to stay" Post by: WALL-E on January 27, 2014, 08:34:03 PM Vinnie Sunseri says he's ready for NFL, reflects on final pitch from Nick Saban, Kirby Smart to stay
Title: Re: "Vinnie Sunseri says he's ready for NFL, reflects on final pitch from Nick Saban, Kirby Smart to Post by: Chechem on January 27, 2014, 09:16:29 PM Quote "Coach has his process and how he wants to handle certain things," Sunseri said on the afternoon radio show. "He really wanted me to stay. Him and Coach (Kirby) Smart did everything they could to keep me to stay. For me, it's not about the money. I just want to be as successful as I can and I feel like I'm ready to take that next step and prove myself in the NFL." ... Ever occur to you, Vinnie, that they know better than you? Bye! :wave: Title: Re: "Vinnie Sunseri says he's ready for NFL, reflects on final pitch from Nick Saban, Kirby Sma Post by: Jamos on January 28, 2014, 06:28:21 AM Whatever ticked off Sunseri toward CNS and CKS, he sure didn't let go of it. I hope he does well at the next level of life but he may be very surprised on NFL draft day and then, I may be very surprised as well. :dunno:
Title: Re: "Vinnie Sunseri says he's ready for NFL, reflects on final pitch from Nick Saban, Kirby Sma Post by: Chechem on January 28, 2014, 06:44:20 AM Whatever ticked off Sunseri toward CNS and CKS, he sure didn't let go of it. I hope he does well at the next level of life but he may be very surprised on NFL draft day and then, I may be very surprised as well. :dunno: I'll be very surprised if he gets drafted at all. But then, many of these coaches played ball, and concussions were common ... :lol2: Title: Re: "Vinnie Sunseri says he's ready for NFL, reflects on final pitch from Nick Saban, Kirby Smart to Post by: 2Stater on January 28, 2014, 07:21:49 AM If he gets drafted, it will be late, but I would be surprised. I see practice squad in his future, if he works very hard.
Title: Re: "Vinnie Sunseri says he's ready for NFL, reflects on final pitch from Nick Saban, Kirby Smart to Post by: pmull on January 28, 2014, 08:39:31 AM Vinnie only had average talent but he was very successful in college due to his work ethic, desire, attitude and smarts. In the NFL you need all that plus elite talent. There are exceptions and Vinnie may be one.
He will be a late pick if he is picked at all. Sometimes the free agent route is better than a late draft pick. Just ask Robert Lester. Where ever Vinnie lands a coach will have a difficult time cutting him because he is likable, smart, a good teammate and works his rear off. |