Title: Recruiting experts respond to AJ McCarron's 5-star 'entitlement' comments Post by: Jamos on February 04, 2014, 07:28:43 AM "In the end, success was our killer," McCarron, a four-star recruit out of St. Paul's in Mobile, said in a recent radio interview. "Too much success and a lot of young guys coming in who didn't know what it took to get back to that point to win. They thought we'd just show up and we'd win.
"I think that's one of the things that is wrong with recruiting out of high school. You have guys who have never played the game of football rating these guys that they are a five-star because they're sitting behind a computer screen watching their highlight film. Well, their highlight film is supposed to be good the last time I checked. That's the kind of thing that ticks me off about recruiting and when these kids come in and they're five-stars and they expect to play right off the bat. It's a little entitlement and when they don't play off the bat, they get a little ticked off and they don't want to work." http://www.al.com/alabamafootball/index.ssf/2014/02/too_much_of_a_good_thing_recru.html#incart_m-rpt-2 Title: Re: Recruiting experts respond to AJ McCarron's 5-star 'entitlement' comments Post by: Jamos on February 04, 2014, 07:46:04 AM Naturally the so called experts are defending themselves but I think McCarron hit the nail on the head. I totally agree that high school football stars are treated differently while attending high school and when they enroll in college it's totally different. I think most of them can handle the change and adjust, but there are some that never did or will and the result isn't good.
The word 'entitlement" is a very good descriptive word to use for their situation I think. Nothing is a given when they enroll in college other than they have been given a chance to showcase their football skills and pursue an education and it is up to them to work hard at both to be successful in either. Maybe if they were not treated so special in high school and spoiled so much they wouldn't expect the special treatment at college.JMO Title: Re: Recruiting experts respond to AJ McCarron's 5-star 'entitlement' comments Post by: N.AL-Tider on February 04, 2014, 08:02:26 AM I would think it would be extremely difficult to not treat an elite player in high school special because most of the time they are special. It is when they get to college where the playing field is more level for them that many start to falter. If "Mom and Dad" were able to instill in them a strong work ethic growing up then they can adjust, if not then many times they won't and you see them starting to get into trouble with the law or grades and such. Some even become a cancer within the team itself. Happens every year and I'm not really convinced that it is just the 5* players either.