Title: REC's National Signing Day Post by: Jamos on February 05, 2014, 07:48:45 PM The room was packed and everyone was waiting anxiously on Coach Saban to finish his news conference so we all could hear what he and his staff had to say. As they entered the room, you would have thought that we were outside in the stadium because of the loud roar from everyone as they all entered the lobby of the North Zone.
That loud roar pretty much set the tone for Coach Saban and staff. Each of the assistants gave us a rundown on the players that signed and would be playing for them. They were as giddy as the REC members and was it ever fun to hear them break down each player and and describe their players and potential. Bo Davis and Lane Kiffen really got a big welcome. Kiffen had a lot of fun though as he looked at all of us and said he was out on that field in 2009 and never got a reception like he got tonight. He also said he was so worried today about getting Rashaan Evans to sign and when he saw it on ESPN he ran over to Kirby Smart and excitedly told him that Evans had signed and he said that Kirby looked up at him and said, "no big deal I've known that would happen for two weeks." He then said he could have killed him then for not letting him know earlier. Kiffen also went on to say that what he watched happen in Lee County(Auburn) was far beyond anything that he had ever seen in recruiting wars. Kirby Smart went to Lee County, in Gus Malzhan's own back yard and he didn't just beat him, he kicked his a**. The crowd went wild. I think Mr. Kiffen will do well here because he works for Nick Saban. Coach Saban did a good job in taking us back to his first year at Bama and his first season when they went 7-6. He talked about the different reasons for this year's collapse and compared them to his first team and now he was putting himself and the team back in the same position as his first spring practice was . Most of his reasons were players became more satisfied with what they had done in the past games rather than working on ways to do those things better in the season ahead. Complacency and lack of commitment pretty much summed up his reasons. He also talked about fan support and how important it is to the teams success. The complacency and commitment reason applied to the fans as well. In his first spring practice at Bama there were almost 100,000 fans in the seats and this was after the 7-6 season. He then said that the team had just won 2 national championships in a row and there have been nowhere near that many fans in the stadium for the spring games as it was in the first spring game when they were 7-6. There should really have been more because they were winning championships. He wasn't bashing the fans by no means but he was concerned that the fans had become complacent and somewhat uncommitted as some of the players had done. Both have become so used to winning that each thinks Bama will win every game regardless. He then told us that this spring practice will be like his first one here. They are 0-2 in their last games and they will start spring practice as the 7-6 team did, back to the basics of recommitting themselves to the process. It felt good to hear Coach and his staff get so fired up and ready for spring to get here as they get started on their next championship run. I only wish that all of the fans could have been there tonight to get their enthusiasm fired up once again as we all did. I will not be surprised at all if there isn't a new record for attendance at the ADay game this year and I can promise you, I will be there and I hope all of you will be as well, the team needs us. RTR Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: 2Stater on February 05, 2014, 07:59:20 PM Outstanding, J. I've got goosebumps from reading your recap. I will do my absolute best to be at the A Day game. #+
Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: bamaphil on February 05, 2014, 08:00:26 PM Thanks for the update Jamos. Even 6000 miles away I get the sense that this class has brought in some much needed excitement after the season-end collapse.
The machine Saban has built not only shows no signs of slowing down, but seems to be getting better. Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: SUPERCOACH on February 05, 2014, 08:01:01 PM J, I have been thinking about this very topic for a few weeks now. I have been contemplating starting a social media campaign to pack the stadium for A-Day this year. I even came up with a slogan for it: 100K for A-Day. After reading your post I am convinced that we need to make this happen. Everybody get on twitter, facebook, all the other boards and start posting 100K for A-Day.
Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: SUPERCOACH on February 05, 2014, 08:03:36 PM Let's use #100K4ADay on twitter.
Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: Jamos on February 05, 2014, 08:03:44 PM Outstanding, J. I've got goosebumps from reading your recap. I will do my absolute best to be at the A Day game. #+ I think it is April 5th, we need to make a weekend out of this one. A little golf and softball as well, Arkansas is in town. Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: SUPERCOACH on February 05, 2014, 08:04:18 PM It is April 19.
Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: Jamos on February 05, 2014, 08:05:24 PM J, I have been thinking about this very topic for a few weeks now. I have been contemplating starting a social media campaign to pack the stadium for A-Day this year. I even came up with a slogan for it: 100K for A-Day. After reading your post I am convinced that we need to make this happen. Everybody get on twitter, facebook, all the other boards and start posting 100K for A-Day. Maybe we need to have a tailgate party at my place. ;) Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: McBaman on February 05, 2014, 08:09:53 PM Nice write-up Jamos. Can feel the excitement. Today was historic and turned the page forward from the disappointing ending of last season.
Just wondering if Kevin Steele spoke at the meeting? Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: Jamos on February 05, 2014, 08:12:46 PM Nice write-up Jamos. Can feel the excitement. Today was historic and turned the page forward from the disappointing ending of last season. Just wondering if Kevin Steele spoke at the meeting? Yes he did and did he ever get fired up. There was a lot of intensity in what he had to say and I think it will carry over to the dressing room. :clap: Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: SUPERCOACH on February 05, 2014, 08:22:24 PM J, I have been thinking about this very topic for a few weeks now. I have been contemplating starting a social media campaign to pack the stadium for A-Day this year. I even came up with a slogan for it: 100K for A-Day. After reading your post I am convinced that we need to make this happen. Everybody get on twitter, facebook, all the other boards and start posting 100K for A-Day. Maybe we need to have a tailgate party at my place. ;) Now that sounds like a good idea. I'll buy the food. Send me a PM with your address and a budget and I will mail you a check. Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: SUPERCOACH on February 05, 2014, 08:25:01 PM I need to come down there for some of these meetings. We talked about joining up before, but it is too far to drive. But I could certainly come down there for the "big" meetings a few times a year. Are you guys taking new members?
Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: Marshal Dillon on February 05, 2014, 08:28:11 PM It is April 19. The date of the Oklahoma City bombing & Waco. Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: Chechem on February 05, 2014, 08:29:57 PM J, I have been thinking about this very topic for a few weeks now. I have been contemplating starting a social media campaign to pack the stadium for A-Day this year. I even came up with a slogan for it: 100K for A-Day. After reading your post I am convinced that we need to make this happen. Everybody get on twitter, facebook, all the other boards and start posting 100K for A-Day. Maybe we need to have a tailgate party at my place. ;) Venison?? :P :P :P :P :P Thanks for the thread, Jamos. SUPER! #+ Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: 2Stater on February 05, 2014, 08:33:59 PM Outstanding, J. I've got goosebumps from reading your recap. I will do my absolute best to be at the A Day game. #+ I think it is April 5th, we need to make a weekend out of this one. A little golf and softball as well, Arkansas is in town. Sounds good to me, and the tailgating, too! :D Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: Marshal Dillon on February 05, 2014, 08:34:25 PM The room was packed and everyone was waiting anxiously on Coach Saban to finish his news conference so we all could hear what he and his staff had to say. As they entered the room, you would have thought that we were outside in the stadium because of the loud roar from everyone as they all entered the lobby of the North Zone. That loud roar pretty much set the tone for Coach Saban and staff. Each of the assistants gave us a rundown on the players that signed and would be playing for them. They were as giddy as the REC members and was it ever fun to hear them break down each player and and describe their players and potential. Bo Davis and Lane Kiffen really got a big welcome. Kiffen had a lot of fun though as he looked at all of us and said he was out on that field in 2009 and never got a reception like he got tonight. He also said he was so worried today about getting Rashaan Evans to sign and when he saw it on ESPN he ran over to Kirby Smart and excitedly told him that Evans had signed and he said that Kirby looked up at him and said, "no big deal I've known that would happen for two weeks." He then said he could have killed him then for not letting him know earlier. Kiffen also went on to say that what he watched happen in Lee County(Auburn) was far beyond anything that he had ever seen in recruiting wars. Kirby Smart went to Lee County, in Gus Malzhan's own back yard and he didn't just beat him, he kicked his a**. The crowd went wild. I think Mr. Kiffen will do well here because he works for Nick Saban. Coach Saban did a good job in taking us back to his first year at Bama and his first season when they went 7-6. He talked about the different reasons for this year's collapse and compared them to his first team and now he was putting himself and the team back in the same position as his first spring practice was . Most of his reasons were players became more satisfied with what they had done in the past games rather than working on ways to do those things better in the season ahead. Complacency and lack of commitment pretty much summed up his reasons. He also talked about fan support and how important it is to the teams success. The complacency and commitment reason applied to the fans as well. In his first spring practice at Bama there were almost 100,000 fans in the seats and this was after the 7-6 season. He then said that the team had just won 2 national championships in a row and there have been nowhere near that many fans in the stadium for the spring games as it was in the first spring game when they were 7-6. There should really have been more because they were winning championships. He wasn't bashing the fans by no means but he was concerned that the fans had become complacent and somewhat uncommitted as some of the players had done. Both have become so used to winning that each thinks Bama will win every game regardless. He then told us that this spring practice will be like his first one here. They are 0-2 in their last games and they will start spring practice as the 7-6 team did, back to the basics of recommitting themselves to the process. It felt good to hear Coach and his staff get so fired up and ready for spring to get here as they get started on their next championship run. I only wish that all of the fans could have been there tonight to get their enthusiasm fired up once again as we all did. I will not be surprised at all if there isn't a new record for attendance at the ADay game this year and I can promise you, I will be there and I hope all of you will be as well, the team needs us. RTR How many Escalades, Hummers, & Chargers did the REC supply to the new recruits? I want to post it on at the Barn forum and drive them crazy. :D Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: Jamos on February 05, 2014, 08:52:01 PM I need to come down there for some of these meetings. We talked about joining up before, but it is too far to drive. But I could certainly come down there for the "big" meetings a few times a year. Are you guys taking new members? Yes. You will need to contact Joe Hocutt (REC-Ttown@att.net) Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: Jamos on February 05, 2014, 08:54:17 PM The room was packed and everyone was waiting anxiously on Coach Saban to finish his news conference so we all could hear what he and his staff had to say. As they entered the room, you would have thought that we were outside in the stadium because of the loud roar from everyone as they all entered the lobby of the North Zone. That loud roar pretty much set the tone for Coach Saban and staff. Each of the assistants gave us a rundown on the players that signed and would be playing for them. They were as giddy as the REC members and was it ever fun to hear them break down each player and and describe their players and potential. Bo Davis and Lane Kiffen really got a big welcome. Kiffen had a lot of fun though as he looked at all of us and said he was out on that field in 2009 and never got a reception like he got tonight. He also said he was so worried today about getting Rashaan Evans to sign and when he saw it on ESPN he ran over to Kirby Smart and excitedly told him that Evans had signed and he said that Kirby looked up at him and said, "no big deal I've known that would happen for two weeks." He then said he could have killed him then for not letting him know earlier. Kiffen also went on to say that what he watched happen in Lee County(Auburn) was far beyond anything that he had ever seen in recruiting wars. Kirby Smart went to Lee County, in Gus Malzhan's own back yard and he didn't just beat him, he kicked his a**. The crowd went wild. I think Mr. Kiffen will do well here because he works for Nick Saban. Coach Saban did a good job in taking us back to his first year at Bama and his first season when they went 7-6. He talked about the different reasons for this year's collapse and compared them to his first team and now he was putting himself and the team back in the same position as his first spring practice was . Most of his reasons were players became more satisfied with what they had done in the past games rather than working on ways to do those things better in the season ahead. Complacency and lack of commitment pretty much summed up his reasons. He also talked about fan support and how important it is to the teams success. The complacency and commitment reason applied to the fans as well. In his first spring practice at Bama there were almost 100,000 fans in the seats and this was after the 7-6 season. He then said that the team had just won 2 national championships in a row and there have been nowhere near that many fans in the stadium for the spring games as it was in the first spring game when they were 7-6. There should really have been more because they were winning championships. He wasn't bashing the fans by no means but he was concerned that the fans had become complacent and somewhat uncommitted as some of the players had done. Both have become so used to winning that each thinks Bama will win every game regardless. He then told us that this spring practice will be like his first one here. They are 0-2 in their last games and they will start spring practice as the 7-6 team did, back to the basics of recommitting themselves to the process. It felt good to hear Coach and his staff get so fired up and ready for spring to get here as they get started on their next championship run. I only wish that all of the fans could have been there tonight to get their enthusiasm fired up once again as we all did. I will not be surprised at all if there isn't a new record for attendance at the ADay game this year and I can promise you, I will be there and I hope all of you will be as well, the team needs us. RTR How many Escalades, Hummers, & Chargers did the REC supply to the new recruits? I want to post it on at the Barn forum and drive them crazy. :D Mercedes ;) Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: N.AL-Tider on February 05, 2014, 09:14:26 PM I've been planning on being at the A-Day game since the last one. Haven't missed one yet since Shula was there and don't plan to start missing them now. To make a weekend of it I would have to bring down Dad's travel trailer and find a place to park it but I would definitely love to do that. The kids would really enjoy it too I'm sure, assuming you aren't talking about "adults only" type of tailgating... ;)
Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: Jamos on February 05, 2014, 09:18:04 PM I've been planning on being at the A-Day game since the last one. Haven't missed one yet since Shula was there and don't plan to start missing them now. To make a weekend of it I would have to bring down Dad's travel trailer and find a place to park it but I would definitely love to do that. The kids would really enjoy it too I'm sure, assuming you aren't talking about "adults only" type of tailgating... ;) No adults only, I love the kids too much. :D Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: SUPERCOACH on February 05, 2014, 09:59:50 PM I need to come down there for some of these meetings. We talked about joining up before, but it is too far to drive. But I could certainly come down there for the "big" meetings a few times a year. Are you guys taking new members? Yes. You will need to contact Joe Hocutt (REC-Ttown@att.net) E-mail sent. Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: bama87 on February 05, 2014, 10:39:43 PM Jamos tell me more about how Kiffin is fitting in.
Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: ricky023 on February 05, 2014, 10:54:55 PM A day to remember forever. RTR!
Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: Jamos on February 06, 2014, 07:01:30 AM Jamos tell me more about how Kiffin is fitting in. There's not much to say right now other than he seems to be bringing a lot of new energy and ideas with him. We will know more after the ADay game as to what some of his ideas may be. Title: Re: REC's National Signing Day Post by: Crimson Legend on February 07, 2014, 02:14:45 PM Jamos, I talked to a guy in the REC that said from what he gathered from the meetings, Blake would be the main QB with Coker working his way into the rotation during the early games of the season. Is that what you gathered from what you heard?